  • The Adventures of the Future Children
  • I woke up to a nice warm summer morning but I was grumpy.I usally wake up happy and head down to Daniella's house but I just ate my food got dressed and headed down to her house. I usally go to her house and me and Daniella go some where like to another kid's house. But I guess she was still alseep so I turned my back for a few seconds... I was in the store when I saw them. I knew them since my mom used to date Django. It was a very creepy thought. Amelia was laughing like crazy (as usual). I walked up to them. "What'z up, peoplez?" I asked them.
  • I woke up to a nice warm summer morning but I was grumpy.I usally wake up happy and head down to Daniella's house but I just ate my food got dressed and headed down to her house. I usally go to her house and me and Daniella go some where like to another kid's house. But I guess she was still alseep so I turned my back for a few seconds... "Surprise!!!" I said to my friend. I scared her good maybe even gave her a heart attack. Good she's still breathing.She stared snickering then I did. Then she cracked up then next thing I knew we were laughing so hard on my front lawn. So hard my mom woke up and asked what we were doing. Then me and Amelia went histarical. Maybe my mom got mad or she just wanted us away for a few minutes so she drove us to the mall. Well now I wasn't grumpy but I was still laughing on the way to the mall. Once we got there I went to use the pay phone. Amazing on what they have in the future! I called my dad because mom told me he was going on a business trip last night but I woke up grumpy so I didn't call him. I was kinda laughing on the phone so dad started laughing too! I hung up and went with my friend. I was at the mall with my sisters when I saw Amelia and Daniella. They were in my class at school so I knew them. I quietly came really close to them and I yelled at them "WOWZA"! Then they started laughing like crazy! Daniella was roling on the floor and Amelia was trying not to laugh but she failed. Well I pulled myself together but Amelia was still laughing. I was trying to make her stop laughing so the mall cop wouldn't come over. So she finally pulled herself together right before the mall cop came over. So we were walking and talking to the store my mom really likes. I went inside to get something for my parents anniversery. I was in the store when I saw them. I knew them since my mom used to date Django. It was a very creepy thought. Amelia was laughing like crazy (as usual). I walked up to them. "What'z up, peoplez?" I asked them. "I'm eating a piece of grapefruit on the moon," said Amelia.Well not the response I was hoping for. "She means....What do you mean?" Daniella asked. Which is bad since Daniella spends more time with her than anyone, more than her parents. Don't ask me how I know this. "Maybe we can leave the mall now," Amelia said at once to break the silence.