  • DemonzLunchBreak
  • DemonzLunchBreak has been making and submitting maps to the N community since spring 2006. He began submitting good maps around the end of August. He also joined a collab account with Brttrx, Cooby, Dejablue, and shortshift (aka Schick Quatro). Since then, he hasn't really done much of anything. Approximately twenty of his maps can be found on bitesizeNUMA. He participated in the Dynamic Duo map pack, released on January 1, 2007. You should salvage everything this genius submits to NUMA. He's one of a kind. DemonzLunchBreak has several stupid friends who like to edit his N wiki page.
  • DemonzLunchBreak has been making and submitting maps to the N community since spring 2006. He began submitting good maps around the end of August. He also joined a collab account with Brttrx, Cooby, Dejablue, and shortshift (aka Schick Quatro). Since then, he hasn't really done much of anything. Approximately twenty of his maps can be found on bitesizeNUMA. He participated in the Dynamic Duo map pack, released on January 1, 2007. You should salvage everything this genius submits to NUMA. He's one of a kind. On the forums he is the moderator of the debate forum, granted to him by blue_tetris after proving his extensive debating skills while on the old forums. DemonzLunchBreak has several stupid friends who like to edit his N wiki page.