  • Lidara sector
  • The Lidara sector is a region of space in the Beta Quadrant. It containing a dozen star systems and multiple class M planets, but no native intelligent life. The Lidara sector is also the location of Deep Space 4, and the Typhon Expanse extends into the sector as well. (DS9 reference: Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Core Game Book (LUG RPG); ST reference: Star Charts)
  • The Lidara sector is a region of space in the Beta Quadrant. It containing a dozen star systems and multiple class M planets, but no native intelligent life. The Lidara sector is also the location of Deep Space 4, and the Typhon Expanse extends into the sector as well. (DS9 reference: Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Core Game Book (LUG RPG); ST reference: Star Charts)
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