  • Painis Cupcake
  • He goes up to people and says "I am Painis Cupcake, I will eat you!" and then pulls off a rape face. He eats many innocent victims including the Heavy Weapons Guy. He thinks everything's food just like Baby Yoshi, so he even eats people on his own team. Even if you call him for help, he will just eat you. He has recently joined the Teletubby Army so he can eat up even more people, rather than the same nine people who come in uniforms of either red or blue. Cupcake is currently residing at an asylum..
  • Painis Cupcake is a character and psychopath in Team Fortress 2 who wants eat everybody in his road saying his world-famous quote. He is one of the latest editions to the TF2 Freak action figure collection.
  • Painis Cupcake is a RED Soldier TF2 Monster created by YouTube user RubberFruit. He is one of the first and most popular TF2 Freaks to ever come to the TF2 Freak World.
  • Painis Cupcake (formerly Penis Cupcake) is a famous fictional character created by YouTube user RubberFruit. He appears to be a RED Soldier from Team Fortress 2 who feeds on those who enter his home and moves with pump-action Shotgun cocking noises. His eyes, where on Soldiers are usually covered by their helmet, are always shown below it.
  • Painis Cupcake (Pronounced PEHN-NIHS CAHP-CAEK) is a very popular TF2 freak that appeared in dozens of Team Fortress videos on Youtube. In most Youtube videos, He is known to be as a Cannibal RED solider who appears to devour anyone he eats. He is considered to be a Villian in most videos including "Painis Cupcake finds Two new victims" or even "Never Make Painis Cupcake Mad" but really, his real problem is that he's hungry for eating other humans. He is one of the oldest and most popular TF2 Freaks on Youtube and in Team Fortress 2. He is also famous for his catchphrase in most videos, "I am Painis Cupcake", and after he says his name in front of his victim, then he would usually say to the victim before the person realizes something as he says, "I'll eat you!" as he does a disturbing smi
  • Chaotic Neutral
  • Chaotic Neutral :D
  • Seriously Staring Insaneful Smiling Disturbingly as he is staring towards the person
  • Short-to-mid ranged
  • Erratic, belligerent
  • Old
  • Alive
  • Active
  • Painis Cupcake
  • Cannibalistic Psychopath
  • Ildoloreè Cupcake
  • His rape face
  • Hell Scream
  • Extreme Strength/Defense
  • Parthenogenic reproduction
  • Self-Special Übercharge
  • Shovel spit
  • Anger or Revenge boosint his powers to max potential
  • Everything
  • painis petit gâteau
  • 2010-01-09
  • Penis Cupcake
  • Human
  • Elite
  • Schmerzist Cupcake
  • ペにつ カップケーキ
  • Painis Magdalena
  • Cannibal
  • Janurary 9th, 2010
  • Ainis Cupcake
  • None Mentioned
  • Male
  • RubberFruit
  • pijnis cupcake
  • He goes up to people and says "I am Painis Cupcake, I will eat you!" and then pulls off a rape face. He eats many innocent victims including the Heavy Weapons Guy. He thinks everything's food just like Baby Yoshi, so he even eats people on his own team. Even if you call him for help, he will just eat you. He has recently joined the Teletubby Army so he can eat up even more people, rather than the same nine people who come in uniforms of either red or blue. Cupcake is currently residing at an asylum..
  • Painis Cupcake is a character and psychopath in Team Fortress 2 who wants eat everybody in his road saying his world-famous quote. He is one of the latest editions to the TF2 Freak action figure collection.
  • Painis Cupcake (Pronounced PEHN-NIHS CAHP-CAEK) is a very popular TF2 freak that appeared in dozens of Team Fortress videos on Youtube. In most Youtube videos, He is known to be as a Cannibal RED solider who appears to devour anyone he eats. He is considered to be a Villian in most videos including "Painis Cupcake finds Two new victims" or even "Never Make Painis Cupcake Mad" but really, his real problem is that he's hungry for eating other humans. He is one of the oldest and most popular TF2 Freaks on Youtube and in Team Fortress 2. He is also famous for his catchphrase in most videos, "I am Painis Cupcake", and after he says his name in front of his victim, then he would usually say to the victim before the person realizes something as he says, "I'll eat you!" as he does a disturbing smile. Sometimes he is known to be one of the most powerful TF2 Freaks and one of the oldest so far.
  • Painis Cupcake is a RED Soldier TF2 Monster created by YouTube user RubberFruit. He is one of the first and most popular TF2 Freaks to ever come to the TF2 Freak World.
  • Painis Cupcake (formerly Penis Cupcake) is a famous fictional character created by YouTube user RubberFruit. He appears to be a RED Soldier from Team Fortress 2 who feeds on those who enter his home and moves with pump-action Shotgun cocking noises. His eyes, where on Soldiers are usually covered by their helmet, are always shown below it.
is Similar of
is Subordinates of
is Allies of
is Affiliates of
is Rivals of