  • Major Kyle
  • Major Kyle
  • Major Kyle ist ein Allianz Veteran, welcher 2178 auf Torfan gekämpft hat. Sollte Commander Shepard den Hintergrund Skrupellos haben, so war Kyle sein/ ihr kommandierender Offizier auf Torfan. Aufgrund der vielen Verluste auf Torfan brach Kyle psychisch zusammen und konnte auch nach einer psychatrischen Behandlung kein Kommando mehr übernehmen. Aus diesen Grund wurde er ehrenhaft aus den Allianz-Streitkräften entlassen und verschwand vom Radar der Allianz.
  • Major Kyle is a former Alliance officer who served at the brutal battle of Torfan in 2178. If Shepard has the Ruthless background, Kyle was Shepard's commanding officer during the Torfan raid. Though an exemplary officer, the loss of so many men under his command was too much for Kyle to cope with, and he was given an honourable discharge after a psychiatric evaluation showed he was no longer fit for duty.
  • Männlich
  • *Mass Effect *Mass Effect 2
  • *Soldat *Kultistenanführer
  • Mensch
  • Major
  • Kyle
  • Alliance Veteran
  • Male
  • Human
  • Major_Kyle.png
  • Major Kyle ist ein Allianz Veteran, welcher 2178 auf Torfan gekämpft hat. Sollte Commander Shepard den Hintergrund Skrupellos haben, so war Kyle sein/ ihr kommandierender Offizier auf Torfan. Aufgrund der vielen Verluste auf Torfan brach Kyle psychisch zusammen und konnte auch nach einer psychatrischen Behandlung kein Kommando mehr übernehmen. Aus diesen Grund wurde er ehrenhaft aus den Allianz-Streitkräften entlassen und verschwand vom Radar der Allianz.
  • Major Kyle is a former Alliance officer who served at the brutal battle of Torfan in 2178. If Shepard has the Ruthless background, Kyle was Shepard's commanding officer during the Torfan raid. Though an exemplary officer, the loss of so many men under his command was too much for Kyle to cope with, and he was given an honourable discharge after a psychiatric evaluation showed he was no longer fit for duty. Kyle later resurfaced as the leader of a biotic commune on Presrop, located in the Century system of the Hawking Eta cluster. The commune was in fact a cult, with the biotics referring to him as "Father Kyle". According to Admiral Hackett, Kyle — never a biotic himself — was likely seen by the cultists as a protector, and through 'protecting' them, Kyle was able to assuage his guilt over the events at Torfan. Possibly on Kyle's orders, the commune distributed transmissions across the extranet, one of which was intercepted by C-Sec, inviting other biotics to join them on Presrop. Kyle began taking a more militant approach, preaching that the Alliance was in fact responsible for all the biotics' problems. Eventually the Alliance became concerned about his activities.