  • 885
  • 885
  • 885
  • El número (885) es el número natural que sigue al 884 y precede al 886. Categoría:Números
  • Jenny leidet darunter, dass ihre Eltern sie nicht in die Geschäftsleitung aufnehmen. Als sie dann auch noch eine Lobrede von Richard auf Ben mitbekommt, ist Jenny am Boden zerstört. Marian kreuzt kurz darauf ihren Weg, und ein heftiger Streit weckt die alte Leidenschaft. Während Simone und Maximilian erfolglos nach möglichen Erben des Grundstückbesitzers Hermann Schulte suchen, trifft Axel an Schultes Grab auf dessen Halbschwester. Doch er weiß nicht, auf welch heiße Spur er gestoßen ist, da er keine Ahnung hat, in welchem Zusammenhang Schulte zu den Steinkamps gestanden haben könnte. Derweilen schmiedet Simone schon den nächsten Plan. Katja ist stolz, dass sie es auch ohne Ben aufs Eis geschafft hat. Annette bestärkt sie darin und bringt sie auf die Idee, professionelles Training in Anspr
  • At the Old House in 1897, Kitty wonders why she is in Josette's wedding dress as she begins to fade into Josette's portrait. Barnabas enters the room and grabs her hand after he calls her "Josette". Together they fade into the portrait and disappear. Josette arrives at Widow's Hill. The evening then beings to play itself out exactly the same way as it did before, with Angelique taunting her about how Barnabas will turn her into a vampire and showing her a vision of her future with him. Josette hears footsteps approaching her and she begins to scream.
  • 885
  • 1969-10-28
  • 874
  • 1897
  • 1969-11-14
  • 885
  • Jenny leidet darunter, dass ihre Eltern sie nicht in die Geschäftsleitung aufnehmen. Als sie dann auch noch eine Lobrede von Richard auf Ben mitbekommt, ist Jenny am Boden zerstört. Marian kreuzt kurz darauf ihren Weg, und ein heftiger Streit weckt die alte Leidenschaft. Während Simone und Maximilian erfolglos nach möglichen Erben des Grundstückbesitzers Hermann Schulte suchen, trifft Axel an Schultes Grab auf dessen Halbschwester. Doch er weiß nicht, auf welch heiße Spur er gestoßen ist, da er keine Ahnung hat, in welchem Zusammenhang Schulte zu den Steinkamps gestanden haben könnte. Derweilen schmiedet Simone schon den nächsten Plan. Katja ist stolz, dass sie es auch ohne Ben aufs Eis geschafft hat. Annette bestärkt sie darin und bringt sie auf die Idee, professionelles Training in Anspruch zu nehmen. Katja bittet Roman um Hilfe, kämpft aber schwer gegen ihre Ängste, als sie vor Roman vorlaufen soll.
  • At the Old House in 1897, Kitty wonders why she is in Josette's wedding dress as she begins to fade into Josette's portrait. Barnabas enters the room and grabs her hand after he calls her "Josette". Together they fade into the portrait and disappear. Barnabas wakes up in the forest and staggers to his feet, unsure of what has happened. He begins to call out for Kitty, but someone reaches out and grabs him. It's Ben Stokes. Barnabas immediately realizes he is back in 1796. Ben tells Barnabas that tonight is the night where he will transform Josette into a vampire and take her away with him, and he tries to convince Barnabas to not go through with his plans. With the knowledge of having already lived through this night before, Barnabas is determined not to let the events repeat itself. Ben informs Barnabas that Josette is in her room at Collinwood, and Barnabas requests to Ben that he makes sure she stays there, and to bring Angelique to Josette's room at the Old House. Natalie DuPres is watching over Josette as she sleeps in her room at Collinwood, thinking to herself that there are only two more hours in the day and then the prophesized death of Josette will have never happened. Josette wakes up, visibly shaken from a dream she had just had. She explains her dream to Natalie, saying she felt like she was in a different time period, dressed differently than everyone else, and she was holding a dress and staring into a portrait. Josette goes on by saying that she felt like the portrait was "alive," and she was drawn to it, and then woke up. Natalie tells her to not think about it, and then hears footsteps approaching the room. Ben enters to check on Josette. Natalie says she is fine and forces him to leave immediately, saying she will not trust anyone until the night is over. Barnabas is pacing in Josette's room at the Old House. Angelique enters the room and the two begin to talk. Barnabas informs her that he knows what is about to happen, and he knows she will lure Josette to Widow's Hill and show her visions of what her life would be like as a vampire. Realizing her plans have been figured out, Angelique asks why she would help Barnabas in this way. Barnabas tells her he loves Josette too much to make her a vampire, and even offers to let Angelique destroy the coffins he made for him and Josette. Angelique says she won't do anything, but he will still have to do his part in preventing her death as she disappears from the room. Barnabas quickly leaves the room, heading to Widow's Hill. Back at Collinwood, Natalie gazes out the window before going to check on Josette. Josette says she feels very relaxed and notices that the house seems more quiet than usual. Natalie says they have one hour left to go. Everything seems to be going fine until Josette realizes she is missing her ring, and begins to panic. Josette realizes it must be at the Old House. Natlie tries to stop her, but Josette says "He will expect me to have it". Upon asking who, she says Barnabas. Natalie is shocked to hear this, and then looks out the window and realizes a storm is coming. After a brief scuffle, the door blows open and wind begins to gust throughout the room. Natalie is unable to close the door, and goes for help. As soon as Natalie steps out, the door closes and locks itself, with Josette trapped inside by herself. The music box then opens and begins to play, and Josette enters a trance, calling out for Barnabas as Natalie screams from the outside of the room. As Josette is in her room, she hears Barnabas's voice in her head. He tells her he found the ring at the Old House, and he is waiting for her at Widow's Hill. She agrees to meet him there. Barnabas instructs her to leave through the secret panel next to the fireplace in her room. She escapes as Natalie's desperate pleas to unlock the door go unnoticed, and she leaves to get help. Josette arrives at Widow's Hill. The evening then beings to play itself out exactly the same way as it did before, with Angelique taunting her about how Barnabas will turn her into a vampire and showing her a vision of her future with him. Josette hears footsteps approaching her and she begins to scream.
  • El número (885) es el número natural que sigue al 884 y precede al 886. Categoría:Números
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