  • Dorvish Royalist Army
  • Major General Aeschelman went on to form the 1st and 2nd Dorvish Royal Army when the Communist took over the nation, he collected various former monarchist and conservatives to his cause before he was able to launch a full out war against the communist controlled government. Aeschleman was able to convince the exiled Vinisk family to return to Dorvik and with their return was able to win more support for the monarchist cause.
  • Major General Aeschelman went on to form the 1st and 2nd Dorvish Royal Army when the Communist took over the nation, he collected various former monarchist and conservatives to his cause before he was able to launch a full out war against the communist controlled government. Aeschleman was able to convince the exiled Vinisk family to return to Dorvik and with their return was able to win more support for the monarchist cause.