  • Yup'ik
  • Yup'ik is a human language commonly heard among the Wendigo and Uktena at the Hidden Walk, frequently around the Longhouse. This is perhaps just a bit strange, given the language comes from western Alaska, not at all any part of Washington, only one of the speakers is an actual Yup'ik, and only two players have any grounding in the language. Still, many of the two tribes pepper their language with words and phrases regularly, and the Uktena and Wendigo elder can be heard speaking it reasonably fluently. How's that for bizarre?
  • Yup'ik is a human language commonly heard among the Wendigo and Uktena at the Hidden Walk, frequently around the Longhouse. This is perhaps just a bit strange, given the language comes from western Alaska, not at all any part of Washington, only one of the speakers is an actual Yup'ik, and only two players have any grounding in the language. Still, many of the two tribes pepper their language with words and phrases regularly, and the Uktena and Wendigo elder can be heard speaking it reasonably fluently. How's that for bizarre?