  • Ask Jasper and Frank for more information
  • From: [[]] Seek them out down at the docks. High-risk, but potentially faster. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • By the skin of your teeth
Failure title
  • 'Rash. Very rash.'
  • 106
Failure description
  • You follow your nose down to Wolfstack Docks. But you're halted outside Jasper and Frank's lair by a Clay Man, shorter but much bulkier than most you've seen. 'Get out of it,' he says, 'or you'll get more than a shove.' [...]
From Card/Storylet title
  • Find the Kashmiri Princess
Success description
  • You find the Unfinished Men in their cold, clammy lair at the docks. [...] He gives you a detailed map of Mahogany Hall's backstage corridors. [...] Following the map, you find your way to a dressing room set quite apart from the rest. [...]
  • Seek them out down at the docks. High-risk, but potentially faster.
  • From: [[]] Seek them out down at the docks. High-risk, but potentially faster. [Find the rest of the story at ]