  • Lichen/Legends
  • Fields of lichens grew in Hoth's vast cave grottoes, providing an important source of food for wild tauntauns. These animals also sometimes found lichens on exposed outcroppings on the surface and just below the frost layer. There are two varieties of lichen on Hoth, wall and floor. The Yuuzhan Vong used glow-lichen to provide light. Eol Sha lichen was eaten by the planet's colonists.
  • Fields of lichens grew in Hoth's vast cave grottoes, providing an important source of food for wild tauntauns. These animals also sometimes found lichens on exposed outcroppings on the surface and just below the frost layer. There are two varieties of lichen on Hoth, wall and floor. The Yuuzhan Vong used glow-lichen to provide light. Eol Sha lichen was eaten by the planet's colonists.
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