  • Motoko Amidala
  • Motoko Amidala was a Jiuzuriy] clone of Padmé Amidala, who was created by the legendary Jedi Sage: Jiraiya Uzukariya. She was born into the handmaiden service, bred to serve and appease the wishes and desires of their master and creator: Jiraiya Uzukariya. Due to advanced acclerated aging, Motoko aged twice as fast as the ordinary average clone. By 9 BBY, she was 20 years old. Upon Spar's death, the Crusaders followed his wishes and the code, and appointed Mereel as the new leader of the Crusaders, should he himself ever be killed.
  • Motoko Amidala was a Jiuzuriy] clone of Padmé Amidala, who was created by the legendary Jedi Sage: Jiraiya Uzukariya. She was born into the handmaiden service, bred to serve and appease the wishes and desires of their master and creator: Jiraiya Uzukariya. Due to advanced acclerated aging, Motoko aged twice as fast as the ordinary average clone. By 9 BBY, she was 20 years old. Born on the same year the rogue Mandalorian ARC Trooper: Alpha O2 Spar arrived on Koshi, Motoko lived her ordinary life as a regular Clone Handmaiden in the Jiuzuriya Corps. She also began to develop romantic feelings towards Spar, despite his numerous attempts in rejecting her each time she tried to make an advance on him. Although continually rejected by Spar, Motoko would still attempt to make advances on him for the next 20 years, eventually leading her into having a brief romantic relationship with him. By 1 ABY, she helped and aided the rogue Clone Handmaiden: Raya Bylissura in escaping the Jiuzuriya Corps on Koshi, in exchange for keeping her pregnancy with Spar's child a secret from everyone else. By 2 ABY, Motoko gave birth to Spar's child. Spar was unaware that he had a son, and she and Mereel believed it would be best that Spar did not know he had a son, for it would distract him as he fought in the war. Mereel then began secretly training Spar's son, Jango Mereel, to prepare himself for the day he would led the Crusaders once again. Upon Spar's death, the Crusaders followed his wishes and the code, and appointed Mereel as the new leader of the Crusaders, should he himself ever be killed. As of 20 ABY, she currently resides on her homeworld of Koshi, along with her son and the rest of the Jiuzkariya Corps. She witnessed her son being declared the new leader of the Crusaders, after his training with Mereel was complete.