  • Adygean Navy
  • The Adygean Naval Force (Adyghe: ???, ???) is the navy of Adygea and part of the Armed Forces of Adygea. It was established in 1992. It consists of 5 branches: surface forces, submarine forces, Navy aviation, coast rocket-artillery and marines. The navy operates in the Black Sea basin (including the Sea of Azov and the Danube Delta), as a permanent ocean presence is neither logistically practical nor geographically possible. Hence, it is classified as a green-water navy. The headquarters of the Adygean Naval Force is situated in Novorossiysk.
  • The Adygean Naval Force (Adyghe: ???, ???) is the navy of Adygea and part of the Armed Forces of Adygea. It was established in 1992. It consists of 5 branches: surface forces, submarine forces, Navy aviation, coast rocket-artillery and marines. The navy operates in the Black Sea basin (including the Sea of Azov and the Danube Delta), as a permanent ocean presence is neither logistically practical nor geographically possible. Hence, it is classified as a green-water navy. The headquarters of the Adygean Naval Force is situated in Novorossiysk.
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