  • Lightning Charged Seal
  • A safety measure to the Curse Technique: Dead Man's Seal, Heian will discharge a jolt of lightning element chakra through the seal killing the body she is in control of. She can turn a controlled target into an actual living bomb. Setting off the lighting element chakra in the seal will cause the seal to fade, so if the controlled is under the influence of an Earth Release technique that effects their body the technique will not be as fatal. An example would be Earth Spear Technique having the ability to absorb the lighting chakra from the seal.
debut shippuden
  • No
literal english
  • Lightning Charged Seal
jutsu rank
  • A
unnamed jutsu
  • No
jutsu range
  • Short
viz manga
  • Lightning Seal
english tv
  • Seal of Lightning
jutsu class type
  • Offensive
  • Heian
  • Rainin Fū
  • 雷委任 封
  • A safety measure to the Curse Technique: Dead Man's Seal, Heian will discharge a jolt of lightning element chakra through the seal killing the body she is in control of. She can turn a controlled target into an actual living bomb. Setting off the lighting element chakra in the seal will cause the seal to fade, so if the controlled is under the influence of an Earth Release technique that effects their body the technique will not be as fatal. An example would be Earth Spear Technique having the ability to absorb the lighting chakra from the seal.