  • David Corbett
  • David Corbett is a Canadian lawyer who gained international acclaim when, in 2002, he argued Marc Hall v. Durham Catholic School Board, a case that pitted the rights of a homosexual couple against the rights of a religious institution. Prior to the case Mr. Corbett was a well known gay activist in Ontario arguing numerous cases and publishing many articles for same-sex equality. When the Marc Hall case garnered international attention, Mr. Corbett agreed to take the case pro bono (free of charge). In 2003, Mr. Corbett was appointed to the federal position of judge to the Ontario Superior Court.
  • David Corbett is a Canadian lawyer who gained international acclaim when, in 2002, he argued Marc Hall v. Durham Catholic School Board, a case that pitted the rights of a homosexual couple against the rights of a religious institution. Prior to the case Mr. Corbett was a well known gay activist in Ontario arguing numerous cases and publishing many articles for same-sex equality. When the Marc Hall case garnered international attention, Mr. Corbett agreed to take the case pro bono (free of charge). In 2003, Mr. Corbett was appointed to the federal position of judge to the Ontario Superior Court.