  • Litle P and Sandslash Series
  • Date: 2010-present Setting: Castle Street and surrounding areas. Image:Jhoto 2011.PNG The games of the series so far are: * Litle P Galaxy * Litle P Kart (In-universe) * Litle P: Mystery Dungeon The series has proved very popular, and the characters are seen in a lot of crossover games. It has also spawned a spin-off, The Litle P and Sandslash Comic.
  • Date: 2010-present Setting: Castle Street and surrounding areas. Image:Jhoto 2011.PNG The games of the series so far are: * Litle P Galaxy * Litle P Kart (In-universe) * Litle P: Mystery Dungeon The series has proved very popular, and the characters are seen in a lot of crossover games. It has also spawned a spin-off, The Litle P and Sandslash Comic.