  • Ephialtes (Gigantes)
  • Ephialtes (Ἐφιάλτης) (sometimes known as Udaeus) was one of the 100 Gigantes created to overthrow the Olympians by storming Olympus. Ephialtes was slain by the combined efforts of Herakles and Apollo. Each shot an arrow in to the eye of Ephialtes. Under normal circumstances it would take only one to kill a monster like Ephialtes but because when Gaia bore them she made it so nearly all had to be killed by a god and a hero, hence the need for both to shoot Ephialtes.
  • Ephialtes (Ἐφιάλτης) (sometimes known as Udaeus) was one of the 100 Gigantes created to overthrow the Olympians by storming Olympus. Ephialtes was slain by the combined efforts of Herakles and Apollo. Each shot an arrow in to the eye of Ephialtes. Under normal circumstances it would take only one to kill a monster like Ephialtes but because when Gaia bore them she made it so nearly all had to be killed by a god and a hero, hence the need for both to shoot Ephialtes.