  • How to ensure a queen is healthy and kitting properly
  • Basics. 1. * 2. 1. * Make the She-Cat as comfortable as possible, with only the cats she chooses to be allowed in the area 3. 2. * Make a big and soft moss nest for the soon-to-come kits 4. 3. * Allow the Queen to grasp a stick in jaws, so she can bite down when in pain 5. 4. * The first contractions should stretch out through 1 hour at the most, try to give her Narcissus for the contractions. 6. 5. * After 1 hour of contractions, the labor begins and the first kit should be born 7. 6. * Clean off the kit and place them on the moss nest, having another cat keeping an eye on them 8. 7. * Prepare for the other kit, who should arrive in 10 minutes to 1 hour 9. 8. * Once all the kits are born, immediately return them to the mother, if consciou
  • Basics. 1. * 2. 1. * Make the She-Cat as comfortable as possible, with only the cats she chooses to be allowed in the area 3. 2. * Make a big and soft moss nest for the soon-to-come kits 4. 3. * Allow the Queen to grasp a stick in jaws, so she can bite down when in pain 5. 4. * The first contractions should stretch out through 1 hour at the most, try to give her Narcissus for the contractions. 6. 5. * After 1 hour of contractions, the labor begins and the first kit should be born 7. 6. * Clean off the kit and place them on the moss nest, having another cat keeping an eye on them 8. 7. * Prepare for the other kit, who should arrive in 10 minutes to 1 hour 9. 8. * Once all the kits are born, immediately return them to the mother, if conscious (she may go unconscious from the pain) 10. 9. * Make sure both the kits and Mother is healthy 11. 10. * Let them both rest after a long, hard labor 12. 11. * Credit to the skyclan med.