  • Ada Larkin
  • Aboard the Death Star, Larkin wore a pink bodyglove and a mask very similar in appearance to Darth Vader’s mask. Larkin had no medical need for such a mask other than to protect her face and wore it as a way of commanding respect from fellow officers. Larkin, unlike Vader, was only very mildly Force-sensitive and although she posed no direct threat, officers would never scoff her due to her similarity to Darth Vader. Larkin attempted on many occasions to soften up Vader through romance and so had him obsessed with protecting her. She also flirted with other fellow navy officers.
  • Aboard the Death Star, Larkin wore a pink bodyglove and a mask very similar in appearance to Darth Vader’s mask. Larkin had no medical need for such a mask other than to protect her face and wore it as a way of commanding respect from fellow officers. Larkin, unlike Vader, was only very mildly Force-sensitive and although she posed no direct threat, officers would never scoff her due to her similarity to Darth Vader. Larkin attempted on many occasions to soften up Vader through romance and so had him obsessed with protecting her. She also flirted with other fellow navy officers. Although she revealed her true appearance to many of the officers, she never removed her mask in front of Vader. Even though he found her an object of attraction, Darth Vader never truly fell in love with Larkin, seeing her merely as an annoyance and a flirting amateur. Eventually Vader planned to kill Larkin, but due to her slight affinity to the Force, she was able to escape his wrath. Thanks to this, she also survived the destruction of the original Death Star. She was never seen since and it is unknown whether she remains at large.