  • Private
  • Private
  • Private
  • Patch 1.4.0 (patch date::2005-05-05): Added.
  • Private is one of the penguins in the Madagascar franchise. He appears in Madagascar, Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa, Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted and Penguins of Madagascar, the latter of which he was the main protagonist.
  • Private is a man who appeared in "The Bridge at Kang So Ri".
  • Private (born June 16, 2006; age 11 in Mr. Roger's Empire) is one of the four penguins of Skipper's squad.
  • Private is a rank grade of enlisted personnel in many service organizations and military forces, most notably the MACOs, Starfleet Marine Corps and the earlier United States Military Forces.
  • Private is a title that is given to low ranking military officers. Private Smith was a private that was assigned to Colonel Wilcox.
  • Private is the lowest non-commissioned officer rank in army-style names. The Dendarii Free Mercenary Fleet used this name for the lowest rank; presumably the Barrayaran service did as well, though no examples are provided in the Vorkosigan Saga.
  • Private ist der unterste Militärdienstgrad in verschiedenen Infanterien der Erde und gehört zu den Mannschaftsdienstgraden. Der nächsthöhere Grad ist der Corporal. Im Vergleich zu den Dienstgraden, die ihren Ursprung in der Marine haben, entspricht dieser Rang einem Crewman. Es wurde teilweise angedeutet, dass dieser Rang auch in der bajoranischen Miliz verwendet wird. In den 2150ern waren mehrere Privates Teil des MACO-Kontingents an Bord der Enterprise NX-01. Das Abzeichen der Privates war ein blaues Dreieck mit einem weißen Winkel über dem sich ein weißer Stern befand. (ENT Staffel 3)
  • 空軍の最下位階級はエアーマン・ベーシック、UNSC海軍では、クルーマンリクルートとなる。 陸軍、海兵隊では次の階級は一等兵となり、空軍はエアーマン、海軍はクルーマン・アパランチとなる。
  • Private was the lowest rank of all soldiers. A clone by the name of Switch obtained this rank.
  • Private is the lowest rank of the Space Marine Corps. The majority of S.M.C. forces hold the rank of either Private or Private First Class.
  • A private is a soldier of the lowest military rank in the United States Army and United States Marine Corps.
  • <default>Private</default> Affiliation Higher rank Lower rank Command Known Privates [Source] • [Talk] Private is the lowest enlisted rank of the UNSC Marine Corps, and the second lowest in the UNSC Army. The Marine Corps Private (Pvt) and the lower Army Private (PV1) are grade E-1 and are equal in rank to Crewman Recruit in the UNSC Navy and Airman Basic in the Air Force. The Army's higher Private (PV2) are known as E-2, and is equal to PFC in the Marines, Crewman Apprentice in the Navy, and Airman in the Air Force. For most recruits into the Marine Corps and Army, upon completing basic training, they become a Private, and are further assigned to a specific unit. Private First Class is the next higher rank.
  • Private is the lowest Marine Corps enlisted rank, just below Private First Class. Most new, non-officer marines begin their military career as a private.
  • Private constitutes one of the lowest sets of enlisted personnel in Earth's forces. "Private" could be used as a form of address for anyone with a Private rank--such as Private Second Class Sean Phillips and Private Second Class Owens. Bowie Grant, Jordan, Rhode and a disguised Musica were all addressed and/or referenced as "Private."
  • Private is an enlisted-man's rate in the Colonial Marine Corps. Most new, non-officer marines begin their military career as a private.
  • Private was a rank used by several militaries, such as the Federation Marine Corps and the So'ja High Command. In the Federation Marine Corps, MACOs and the Kellarian System Defense Force, it was the lowest enlisted rank, though in the MACO ranks, there were two grades of private. In the So'ja High Command, it was the third-lowest rank, superior to recruit and crewman, whereas in UESPA, it was the second-lowest and superior to recruit.
  • Private ist der unterste Rang und bezeichnet den einfachen Soldaten ohne besonder Funktion. Sein Sold betrug 11$(CS),13$(US)
  • Private was the lowest army rank, ranking just below Corporal.
  • Private is a common non-commissioned rank in many of the Standard-speaking universe's armed forces.
  • Private ist ein militärischer Dienstgrad. Er entspricht dem deutschen Gefreiten oder dem einfachen Soldaten.thumb|Chix Verbil, ein Private
  • Prefix Title earned by gaining +20,000 (Kindly) faction with the Qeynos Guard in North Qeynos.
  • A Private is an enlisted army rank that is equivalent to a navy Crewman. A private is senior to a Recruit and junior to a Private First Class. The private rank is usually given out to recruits that have completed their given basic training and is typically a paid rank. It is commonly abbreviated as "Pvt" or "PVT".
  • The Private is an enemy from Grandia. They can be found in the Garlyle Base and on the Military Train and are the lowest ranked members of the Garlyle Forces. Their rank is denoted by their green uniform. Privates appear alongside Nana, Saki and Mio in respective battles but otherwise do not appear alongside any other enemies. Privates have the ability to cast Heavy Blow.
  • As the lowest rank of these armed forces, Privates wear no rank insignia. However, the US Army has a second rank of Private E-2 (PVT2) which wears one stripe. Most new entrants to these armed forces join as a Private, unless they enter as an Officer, or have experience or qualifications which earns them an automatic promotion to the rank above. In the US Marine Corps, experience in the JROTC qualifies a new entry for Private First Class. Privates are sometimes referred to as "squaddies" or "slick sleeves" (referring to the absence of rank patches on their uniforms).
  • Private is the lowest rank used in Theater Vancoor.
  • Private is a fictional character who appeared in the Hogan's Heroes episode, Operation Hannibal. He was played by John Creswell.
  • Performer(s) Appeared in Private is one of the four penguins from the DreamWorks Animation film Madagascar, and as such, he is also one of the main characters of the spin-off series The Penguins of Madagascar. He is the emotionally sensitive rookie of the group. Though younger and less experienced than the other penguins, he is the most down to earth; Private tends to offer simpler, more commonsense solutions in response to Skipper and Kowalski's complex strategies.
  • In the beginning of the game, the Private is your focus, as you must use it to gather resources so you may expand your Apocalyptic Dawn and economy. The private is the only unit capable of harvesting resources and constructing buildings and defensive structures, and thus, many are needed to expand and win the game. Later in the game, it maintains its use as the sole resource gatherer, so you may accumulate enough resources to form a large enough army to defeat your foe.
  • Private is the lowest enlisted rank of the Templar Marine Corps and Twilight Trooper Corps, and is equal in rank to Spacer in the Templar Navy. For most recruits into the Marine Corps and Trooper Corps, upon completing basic training they become a Private, and are further assigned to a specific unit.
  • The Private handles the messages that arrive for the commander at Vigil's Keep in a Quest Board-like manner. Upon meeting The Warden-Commander, she is a bit nervous and becomes flustered when presting him/her the messages (Quests). She is the one that first informs The Warden-Commander of a certain formidable prisoner, Nathaniel Howe, that had to have four Wardens capture him. She suggests Howe as a possible Grey Warden recruit, after hearing the Grey Wardens jokingly suggest such after Howe injured one while attempting to evade capture.
  • The rank and title of Private encompasses the lowest level of an enlisted soldier in a military organization, most frequently used by army and starfighter corps.
  • Private is the lowest enlisted rank in the Federation Marine Corps, and the first rank held by all enlisted Marines entering the service. All Marine recruits hold the rank of Private, regardless of any Advanced Enlisted Rank status attained (Marines with Advanced Enlistment Status will be awarded their advanced rank, usually between Private First Class and Corporal, following completion of Marine Corps Recruit Training). promotion to Private First Class is automatic after 12 months time in service.
  • Private was a military rank, the equivalent of which is used by the service organizations of many civilizations. As a traditional infantry grade, private is the lowest enlisted rank in a fighting organization, below a corporal and above a recruit. In comparison to naval ranking systems, this rank is approximately equivalent to the naval able-crewman rank. This grade has been suggested to exist in some form in other rank arrangements, such as the Bajoran Militia.(citation needed • [ edit]) Some rank systems use different grades of private, such as the junior "private recruit", )
  • Private ist der kleinste und liebste von den Pinguinen. Im Gegensatz zu den anderen Pinguinen hält er nicht viel von Action und Gewalt. Er mag eher Sachen für Kinder, wie z.b. Kinderserien wie Die Mondeinhörner (er hat auch eine Mondeinhorn-Puppe davon), süße Tiere und kitschige Geschichten. Private ist sehr sensibel und mitfühlend und wenn er merkt das sich jemand anderes schlecht fühlt, tut er meist alles, damit sich das ändert (siehe Die Madagascar-Pinguine in vorweihnachtlicher Mission). Sein größter Held, wie er in einer Folge erwähnte, ist Kowalski.
  • Private is the youngest, shortest, chubbiest, and the most inexperienced member of the team. Despite his inexperience, sometimes he is the only penguin able to resolve the main issue (episode) in the series. He is able to reach an end that has both parties in a 'win-win' situation (giving Barry a hug and making the rest Zoo forget the penguin's spying on them, even his own team). In Eclipsed, King Julien states that Private is the nicest animal in the zoo. However, he is an excellent fighter (he was easily able to defeat Skipper in a training session in The Hidden). He has light blue eyes and speaks with a British accent (which Skipper and the others calls adorably fake as stated in Hard Boiled Eggy, though Private's accent is later revealed to be genuine in A Visit From Uncle Nigel). He's
  • Private was the lowest rank held by enlisted personnel in most armed forces throughout the galaxy. Most common in the Army and Marine Corps of the Galactic Republic, and the Army of the Galactic Empire, it was the first rank attained by those graduating from basic military training. Privates were the rank-and-file of any unit, and served most often as infantry or support personnel.
  • __INDEX__ Private ist ein Pinguin. Er wurde in Die Madagascar-Pinguine in vorweihnachtlicher Mission von Trudchen entführt, weil sie denkt, dass Private Spielzeug für Hunde ist. In der Serie Die Pinguine aus Madagascar wird er in der Episode Internet Superstar wegen seiner Tollpatschigkeit der Star der Internet-Gemeinde. In Würg, Rico, würg! erfahren wir außerdem von Private, dass die Pinguine in der Antarktis einen Onkel namens Nigel haben, der allerdings in der DVD-Doku, die die Pinguine sahen, der Pinguin sein könnte, der von einem Seeleoparden gefressen wurde.
  • Name: Private (due his rank, corporal) Classification: Looks like a Pygoscelis adeliae (Adélie Penguin) Gender: Male Age: 25 (same as the others, but he is the youngest) Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, reactions and durability, expert in kung fu, expert in stealth, very good at looking innocent Attack Potency: Street level (Held his own against an elephant, but he is the weakest member of the team) Speed: Superhuman (A security camera has several problems catching the moves of his team)
  • None
  • 無し
  • Good
  • Sometimes good, sometimes neutral
  • Be a true hero
Row 9 info
  • Madagascar
  • Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
  • Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
  • The Penguins of Madagascar
  • Madly Madagascar
  • Merry Madagascar
  • A Christmas Caper
  • Penguins of Madagascar: The Movie
Row 8 info
  • be the most meaningful and valued member of the team, stop Dave and his invasion, turn back the mutant penguins
  • Madagascar
Row 4 info
  • Penguin
Row 10 title
  • Type of Hero:
Row 7 title
  • Physical Traits:
Row 1 info
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
Row 8 title
  • Goals:
  • Offending Skipper
Row 4 title
  • Species:
Row 9 title
  • Appearance:
  • 1
  • 2
Row 2 info
  • Male
Row 6 info
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • *Arro Basteren *Yosh Calfor *Harge *Farsin Kappehl *Able Nereno *Rorith Khadur *Tenzigo Weems *Yendor
Row 1 title
  • Nicknames:
Row 5 info
  • From a Certain Point of View
Row 2 title
  • Gender:
Row 6 title
  • Talent:
Row 10 info
  • Occasionally Leader / Hope Bringer / Charismatic Hero / Avian Hero / Archer / Soldier / Selfless Hero / Pure of heart / Fighter / The Messiah
Row 5 title
  • Relationships:
Row 3 info
  • 9
  • 10
Row 3 title
  • Age:
Row 7 info
  • 1
  • 2
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • Obi‑Wan Kenobi and darth vader from star wars simba
Higher Rank
Box Title
  • Private
  • 이등병
  • Contingency Plan
  • 9
  • 10
  • Love, being a member of the team
  • 5
  • Small chubby black and white adelia penguin with light blue eyes
  • *ビセンティ *コクラン *フィンチャー *トム・ジェレンサー *カプス *マッケンジー *マヌエル・メンドーサ *ウォレス・A・ジェンキンス *オブライエン *マリー・ポスティリー *ライリー *ロドリゲス *サトハ *SPARTAN-G099 *ウォーカー
  • *Bisenti *Cochran *Fincher *Tom Gerencer *Kappus *McKenzie *Manuel Mendoza *Wallace Jenkins *O'Brien *Marie Postly *Riley *Rodriquez *Satha *SPARTAN-G099 *Walker
  • Private
  • Private
  • 二等兵
  • Earth Private
  • Feats of Strength
  • Sweet, kind, innocent, cute, cuddly, sensible, affectionate, compassionate, sentimental, sensitive, understanding, adorable, a pacifistic, caring, shrewd, clever, adventurous, valiant, confident, daring
  • Bisexual
  • 32
  • The Penguins of Madagascar
  • *Alliance to Restore the Republic *New Republic
Unit Name
  • Private
  • Penguin
  • Private
  • show
  • 0
  • Рядовой/Канон
Image size
  • 250
  • Earned title.
  • James Patrick Stuart
  • Christopher Knights
  • 75
  • Antarctica
  • Maco-private.png
  • SS patch private 1st class.png
  • The Penguins of Madagascar
  • Member of the Penguins
  • Uncle Nigel
  • Skipper, Kowalski and Rico Sam Fishy
  • Uncle Nigel , his leader Skipper, Kowalski, Rico
  • Madagascar
  • Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
  • Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
  • Penguins of Madagascar
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
Lower Rank
  • None
  • 無し
Image File
  • Pom-private03.png
  • Antarctica
  • Central Park Zoo, NY
  • Movies: Circus Zaragoza
  • TV: Penguin Habitat
  • Female
  • Male
  • 600
  • Ransford Doherty
  • From a Certain Point of View
wikipage disambiguates
  • Patch 1.4.0 (patch date::2005-05-05): Added.
  • Private is one of the penguins in the Madagascar franchise. He appears in Madagascar, Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa, Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted and Penguins of Madagascar, the latter of which he was the main protagonist.
  • Private ist der kleinste und liebste von den Pinguinen. Im Gegensatz zu den anderen Pinguinen hält er nicht viel von Action und Gewalt. Er mag eher Sachen für Kinder, wie z.b. Kinderserien wie Die Mondeinhörner (er hat auch eine Mondeinhorn-Puppe davon), süße Tiere und kitschige Geschichten. Private ist sehr sensibel und mitfühlend und wenn er merkt das sich jemand anderes schlecht fühlt, tut er meist alles, damit sich das ändert (siehe Die Madagascar-Pinguine in vorweihnachtlicher Mission). Sein größter Held, wie er in einer Folge erwähnte, ist Kowalski. Wie man in der Folge Schlaf, Vöglein, schlaf sehen kann, kann sich Private außerdem sehr für das klassische Theater begeistern und Sätze z. B. aus Shakespeares "Heinrich der IV." zitieren. Sein Name ist eher ungewöhnlich. Er leitet sich aus dem Lateinischen ab, wo er "getrennt, für sich allein stehend" bedeutet und in sofern passend ist, als dass er noch dabei ist, sich richtig in die Gruppe zu integrieren. Im Englischen ist "Private" daneben auch ein militärischer Dienstgrad, der etwa dem Gefreiten in Deutschland entspricht. Private hat im englischen Original einen britischen Akzent, vermutlich weil er an einem anderen Ort aufgewachsen ist als die anderen Pinguine.
  • Private is a man who appeared in "The Bridge at Kang So Ri".
  • Private (born June 16, 2006; age 11 in Mr. Roger's Empire) is one of the four penguins of Skipper's squad.
  • Private is a rank grade of enlisted personnel in many service organizations and military forces, most notably the MACOs, Starfleet Marine Corps and the earlier United States Military Forces.
  • Private is a title that is given to low ranking military officers. Private Smith was a private that was assigned to Colonel Wilcox.
  • Private is the lowest non-commissioned officer rank in army-style names. The Dendarii Free Mercenary Fleet used this name for the lowest rank; presumably the Barrayaran service did as well, though no examples are provided in the Vorkosigan Saga.
  • Private ist der unterste Militärdienstgrad in verschiedenen Infanterien der Erde und gehört zu den Mannschaftsdienstgraden. Der nächsthöhere Grad ist der Corporal. Im Vergleich zu den Dienstgraden, die ihren Ursprung in der Marine haben, entspricht dieser Rang einem Crewman. Es wurde teilweise angedeutet, dass dieser Rang auch in der bajoranischen Miliz verwendet wird. In den 2150ern waren mehrere Privates Teil des MACO-Kontingents an Bord der Enterprise NX-01. Das Abzeichen der Privates war ein blaues Dreieck mit einem weißen Winkel über dem sich ein weißer Stern befand. (ENT Staffel 3)
  • 空軍の最下位階級はエアーマン・ベーシック、UNSC海軍では、クルーマンリクルートとなる。 陸軍、海兵隊では次の階級は一等兵となり、空軍はエアーマン、海軍はクルーマン・アパランチとなる。
  • Private was the lowest rank of all soldiers. A clone by the name of Switch obtained this rank.
  • Private is the lowest rank of the Space Marine Corps. The majority of S.M.C. forces hold the rank of either Private or Private First Class.
  • A private is a soldier of the lowest military rank in the United States Army and United States Marine Corps.
  • <default>Private</default> Affiliation Higher rank Lower rank Command Known Privates [Source] • [Talk] Private is the lowest enlisted rank of the UNSC Marine Corps, and the second lowest in the UNSC Army. The Marine Corps Private (Pvt) and the lower Army Private (PV1) are grade E-1 and are equal in rank to Crewman Recruit in the UNSC Navy and Airman Basic in the Air Force. The Army's higher Private (PV2) are known as E-2, and is equal to PFC in the Marines, Crewman Apprentice in the Navy, and Airman in the Air Force. For most recruits into the Marine Corps and Army, upon completing basic training, they become a Private, and are further assigned to a specific unit. Private First Class is the next higher rank.
  • Private is the lowest Marine Corps enlisted rank, just below Private First Class. Most new, non-officer marines begin their military career as a private.
  • Private constitutes one of the lowest sets of enlisted personnel in Earth's forces. "Private" could be used as a form of address for anyone with a Private rank--such as Private Second Class Sean Phillips and Private Second Class Owens. Bowie Grant, Jordan, Rhode and a disguised Musica were all addressed and/or referenced as "Private."
  • Private is an enlisted-man's rate in the Colonial Marine Corps. Most new, non-officer marines begin their military career as a private.
  • Private was a rank used by several militaries, such as the Federation Marine Corps and the So'ja High Command. In the Federation Marine Corps, MACOs and the Kellarian System Defense Force, it was the lowest enlisted rank, though in the MACO ranks, there were two grades of private. In the So'ja High Command, it was the third-lowest rank, superior to recruit and crewman, whereas in UESPA, it was the second-lowest and superior to recruit.
  • Private is the lowest enlisted rank in the Federation Marine Corps, and the first rank held by all enlisted Marines entering the service. All Marine recruits hold the rank of Private, regardless of any Advanced Enlisted Rank status attained (Marines with Advanced Enlistment Status will be awarded their advanced rank, usually between Private First Class and Corporal, following completion of Marine Corps Recruit Training). Marine Privates hold the grade of E-1, and are the equivalent of a Starfleet Crewman Apprentice. Privates assigned to active units form the primary work force of the marine corps, along with PFCs and Lance Corporals. promotion to Private First Class is automatic after 12 months time in service.
  • Private ist der unterste Rang und bezeichnet den einfachen Soldaten ohne besonder Funktion. Sein Sold betrug 11$(CS),13$(US)
  • Private was the lowest army rank, ranking just below Corporal.
  • __INDEX__ Private ist ein Pinguin. Er wurde in Die Madagascar-Pinguine in vorweihnachtlicher Mission von Trudchen entführt, weil sie denkt, dass Private Spielzeug für Hunde ist. In der Serie Die Pinguine aus Madagascar wird er in der Episode Internet Superstar wegen seiner Tollpatschigkeit der Star der Internet-Gemeinde. Er ist der „Softie“ unter den 4 Pinguinen. In der Episode Brüten ist Männersache zeigt er seine Fürsorglichkeit, im Besonderen, wo die anderen Pinguine nicht so zimperlich mit dem Ei umgehen, weshalb Private dem Ei nicht von der Seite weicht, um es zu beschützen. Auch ist er sehr einfühlsam und mag es nicht, wenn andere traurig sind (Die Madagascar-Pinguine in vorweihnachtlicher Mission) und möchte anderen helfen, wenn es für ihn möglich ist. Zum Beispiel ist er in Nur ein Pieks bereit, sich anstelle von Skipper impfen zu lassen, um Skipper die Schmerzen zu ersparen. Außerdem hat er große Angst vor Dachsen, wie man in der Episode Geheimnisvolle Nachbarn sehen kann. Privates übertriebene Sensibilität kann aber auch zu Weinerlichkeit führen, besonders dann, wenn Skipper sich gerade wie ein knallharter Kommandant aufführt. In Würg, Rico, würg! erfahren wir außerdem von Private, dass die Pinguine in der Antarktis einen Onkel namens Nigel haben, der allerdings in der DVD-Doku, die die Pinguine sahen, der Pinguin sein könnte, der von einem Seeleoparden gefressen wurde.
  • Private is a common non-commissioned rank in many of the Standard-speaking universe's armed forces.
  • Private ist ein militärischer Dienstgrad. Er entspricht dem deutschen Gefreiten oder dem einfachen Soldaten.thumb|Chix Verbil, ein Private
  • Prefix Title earned by gaining +20,000 (Kindly) faction with the Qeynos Guard in North Qeynos.
  • A Private is an enlisted army rank that is equivalent to a navy Crewman. A private is senior to a Recruit and junior to a Private First Class. The private rank is usually given out to recruits that have completed their given basic training and is typically a paid rank. It is commonly abbreviated as "Pvt" or "PVT".
  • The Private is an enemy from Grandia. They can be found in the Garlyle Base and on the Military Train and are the lowest ranked members of the Garlyle Forces. Their rank is denoted by their green uniform. Privates appear alongside Nana, Saki and Mio in respective battles but otherwise do not appear alongside any other enemies. Privates have the ability to cast Heavy Blow.
  • As the lowest rank of these armed forces, Privates wear no rank insignia. However, the US Army has a second rank of Private E-2 (PVT2) which wears one stripe. Most new entrants to these armed forces join as a Private, unless they enter as an Officer, or have experience or qualifications which earns them an automatic promotion to the rank above. In the US Marine Corps, experience in the JROTC qualifies a new entry for Private First Class. Privates are sometimes referred to as "squaddies" or "slick sleeves" (referring to the absence of rank patches on their uniforms).
  • Private was the lowest rank held by enlisted personnel in most armed forces throughout the galaxy. Most common in the Army and Marine Corps of the Galactic Republic, and the Army of the Galactic Empire, it was the first rank attained by those graduating from basic military training. Privates were the rank-and-file of any unit, and served most often as infantry or support personnel. Most soldiers who were able to survive long enough in wartime, or who served for a set period during peacetime, achieved the rank of private first class. On rare occasions a private could earn direct promotion to corporal or even sergeant, though this was typically done only under emergency field conditions.
  • Name: Private (due his rank, corporal) Classification: Looks like a Pygoscelis adeliae (Adélie Penguin) Gender: Male Age: 25 (same as the others, but he is the youngest) Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, reactions and durability, expert in kung fu, expert in stealth, very good at looking innocent Attack Potency: Street level (Held his own against an elephant, but he is the weakest member of the team) Speed: Superhuman (A security camera has several problems catching the moves of his team) Striking Strength: Street Class (Can break all the bones of the neck with a single strike, he is the weakest memeber of the team) Durability: Wall level, possibly higher (Withstood attacks from an elephant, survived a fall from kilometres of height with no trouble)
  • Private is the youngest, shortest, chubbiest, and the most inexperienced member of the team. Despite his inexperience, sometimes he is the only penguin able to resolve the main issue (episode) in the series. He is able to reach an end that has both parties in a 'win-win' situation (giving Barry a hug and making the rest Zoo forget the penguin's spying on them, even his own team). In Eclipsed, King Julien states that Private is the nicest animal in the zoo. However, he is an excellent fighter (he was easily able to defeat Skipper in a training session in The Hidden). He has light blue eyes and speaks with a British accent (which Skipper and the others calls adorably fake as stated in Hard Boiled Eggy, though Private's accent is later revealed to be genuine in A Visit From Uncle Nigel). He's the only penguin who's ever disobeyed Skipper twice in one episode. (Cute-Astrophe). He is the true main protagonist of the movie. (Penguins of Madagascar: The Movie).
  • Private is the lowest rank used in Theater Vancoor.
  • Private is a fictional character who appeared in the Hogan's Heroes episode, Operation Hannibal. He was played by John Creswell.
  • Private was a military rank, the equivalent of which is used by the service organizations of many civilizations. As a traditional infantry grade, private is the lowest enlisted rank in a fighting organization, below a corporal and above a recruit. In comparison to naval ranking systems, this rank is approximately equivalent to the naval able-crewman rank. This grade has been suggested to exist in some form in other rank arrangements, such as the Bajoran Militia.(citation needed • [ edit]) Some rank systems use different grades of private, such as the junior "private recruit", (citation needed • [ edit]) and the more senior "private first class." (TOS: "Patterns of Force" ) The United Earth MACO forces used this rank in the 2150s. The insignia patch was a triangular blue field, bordered in gold, with one white chevron under a white star. (Star Trek: Enterprise) During the Q Civil War, which represented the Continuum by an illusion of the American Civil War, one of the Q guarding the tent where Q and Kathryn Janeway were held was referred to as a private by an incoming captain. (VOY: "The Q and the Grey")
  • Performer(s) Appeared in Private is one of the four penguins from the DreamWorks Animation film Madagascar, and as such, he is also one of the main characters of the spin-off series The Penguins of Madagascar. He is the emotionally sensitive rookie of the group. Though younger and less experienced than the other penguins, he is the most down to earth; Private tends to offer simpler, more commonsense solutions in response to Skipper and Kowalski's complex strategies.
  • In the beginning of the game, the Private is your focus, as you must use it to gather resources so you may expand your Apocalyptic Dawn and economy. The private is the only unit capable of harvesting resources and constructing buildings and defensive structures, and thus, many are needed to expand and win the game. Later in the game, it maintains its use as the sole resource gatherer, so you may accumulate enough resources to form a large enough army to defeat your foe.
  • Private is the lowest enlisted rank of the Templar Marine Corps and Twilight Trooper Corps, and is equal in rank to Spacer in the Templar Navy. For most recruits into the Marine Corps and Trooper Corps, upon completing basic training they become a Private, and are further assigned to a specific unit.
  • The Private handles the messages that arrive for the commander at Vigil's Keep in a Quest Board-like manner. Upon meeting The Warden-Commander, she is a bit nervous and becomes flustered when presting him/her the messages (Quests). She is the one that first informs The Warden-Commander of a certain formidable prisoner, Nathaniel Howe, that had to have four Wardens capture him. She suggests Howe as a possible Grey Warden recruit, after hearing the Grey Wardens jokingly suggest such after Howe injured one while attempting to evade capture.
  • The rank and title of Private encompasses the lowest level of an enlisted soldier in a military organization, most frequently used by army and starfighter corps.
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is Rang of
is Name of
is Rank of
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is Friends of
is Lower Rank of
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