  • WiserEarth
  • The WiserEarth Directory The world's largest free and editable international directory of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and socially responsible organizations (110,000 in 243 countries, territories, and sovereign islands). WiserEarth Groups Online community forums where members can engage in discussion, post and share resources, and collaborate on projects. WiserEarth Community A vibrant community of over 20,000 members making connections, sharing resources, solutions, jobs, and events.
  • The WiserEarth Directory The world's largest free and editable international directory of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and socially responsible organizations (110,000 in 243 countries, territories, and sovereign islands). WiserEarth Groups Online community forums where members can engage in discussion, post and share resources, and collaborate on projects. WiserEarth Community A vibrant community of over 20,000 members making connections, sharing resources, solutions, jobs, and events. WiserEarth Taxonomy The world's most detailed classification of issue areas related to social justice and environmental restoration. WISER stands for World Index of Social and Environmental Responsibility. WiserEarth is a project of the Natural Capital Institute, a non-profit non-governmental organization based in Sausalito, California, founded by the environmentalist, entrepreneur, journalist, and author Paul Hawken.