  • BIONICLE Legends 2: Dark Destiny
  • BIONICLE Legends 2: Dark Destiny
  • Bionicle Legends 2: Dark Destiny
  • Bionicle Legends 2 ist das zweite Buch der Bionicle Legendsreihe. Es geht diesmal nicht nur um die Piraka und Toa Nuva, sondern auch um ein Matoranerteam und Takanuva.
  • Dark Destiny (suomeksi "Pimeä kohtalo") on vuonna 2006 julkaistu kirja ja BIONICLE Legends -sarjan toinen osa. Sen on kirjoittanut Greg Farshtey.
  • Takanuva goes with Jaller, Kongu, Hahli, Nuparu, Hewkii, and Matoro who have escaped overnight to find the Toa Nuva. They find a Kanohi Suletu, Mask of Telepathy. Unfortunately, their journey was cut short when Takanuva slammed into an invisible barrier that light cannot pass through. He says he will tell the Turaga of his friends as he heads back. Back on Voya Nui, the Toa Nuva managed to escape from the Piraka. Balta, one of the Matoran rebels, was saved by Axonn, a warrior sworn to protect the Matoran and the Mask of Life. The Voya Nui rebellion allied with the Toa to stop the Piraka.
  • -
  • Bionicle Legends
  • 0
  • 978
  • 250
  • Dark Destiny
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  • Dark_Destiny.png
  • wikikeinbild.png
  • Greg Farshtey
  • Dark Destiny
  • Bionicle Legends 2 ist das zweite Buch der Bionicle Legendsreihe. Es geht diesmal nicht nur um die Piraka und Toa Nuva, sondern auch um ein Matoranerteam und Takanuva.
  • Takanuva goes with Jaller, Kongu, Hahli, Nuparu, Hewkii, and Matoro who have escaped overnight to find the Toa Nuva. They find a Kanohi Suletu, Mask of Telepathy. Unfortunately, their journey was cut short when Takanuva slammed into an invisible barrier that light cannot pass through. He says he will tell the Turaga of his friends as he heads back. Back on Voya Nui, the Toa Nuva managed to escape from the Piraka. Balta, one of the Matoran rebels, was saved by Axonn, a warrior sworn to protect the Matoran and the Mask of Life. The Voya Nui rebellion allied with the Toa to stop the Piraka. Meanwhile, the Metru Nui Matoran found out they were in the land of Karzahni. They were forced to wear new masks and begin working. Then Karzahni had Hahli stay with him because she was the Chronicler and he wanted her to tell him about the outside world so he could expand his borders. The matoran managed to escape by using six Toa Canisters. In Voya Nui, the Toa were again captured and handed over to a mysterious being named Brutaka, while the Voya Nui matoran were given to Reidak. Yet no one was present to see six Toa canisters wash up on the shore. Lightning from the Red Star struck the canisters. From them, emerged not six Matoran, but six new Toa Inika.
  • Dark Destiny (suomeksi "Pimeä kohtalo") on vuonna 2006 julkaistu kirja ja BIONICLE Legends -sarjan toinen osa. Sen on kirjoittanut Greg Farshtey.
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