  • Scoff Scoff Scoff
  • Scoff Scoff Scoff is a famous, short poem by Saul Williams concerning the gustatory side of life in the Caribbean. The poem notably received widespread critical condemnation from a range of sources as wide as Uncyclopedia's Poetry department (SHAME!) to the Norton Anthology of literature, who typically omit most of Williams's poetry by default. However, Scoff is now widely recognised as a masterpiece, having received a musical setting from Philip Glass; apt given the poem's inherent musicality.
  • Scoff Scoff Scoff is a famous, short poem by Saul Williams concerning the gustatory side of life in the Caribbean. The poem notably received widespread critical condemnation from a range of sources as wide as Uncyclopedia's Poetry department (SHAME!) to the Norton Anthology of literature, who typically omit most of Williams's poetry by default. However, Scoff is now widely recognised as a masterpiece, having received a musical setting from Philip Glass; apt given the poem's inherent musicality. The poem received its premiere at an open-mic battle in 2007. Unfortunately for Williams, Chuck D of Public Enemy was also there, and he beat the poet in a poetry contest, despite the fact that D's poetry was improvised on the spot. Williams came second place, finishing ahead of Snoop Dogg, who was too stoned to take part and freestyle, and a second-rate comedian, whose surreal rants were mistaken for bad poetry.