  • Ter'thelas Baelion
  • A tall, lithe and wiry Sin'dorei man of indeterminate age. He has a pleasant face, though it is marred by a scar running horizontally across his forehead. His hair is a deep chestnut brown, usually immaculately kept. Currently, however, it is usually in a state of disarray, unbrushed and only rarely washed. His remaining eye burns with a deep fel green and constantly moves, appraising the people and area around him. He dresses neatly, even if the clothes he wears are battered and patched more often then not.
  • A tall, lithe and wiry Sin'dorei man of indeterminate age. He has a pleasant face, though it is marred by a scar running horizontally across his forehead. His hair is a deep chestnut brown, usually immaculately kept. Currently, however, it is usually in a state of disarray, unbrushed and only rarely washed. His remaining eye burns with a deep fel green and constantly moves, appraising the people and area around him. He dresses neatly, even if the clothes he wears are battered and patched more often then not.