  • The Duskwall Plateau (3.5e Quest)/The Ziggurat of Flesh
  • Protruding as a blasphemy to the cloudy green grey dark sky stands the ziggurat of flesh. made of red bleeding humid large bricks of stone. Examining the stones closely reveals carving of hideous faces and animals all mixed up together in some painful dance of ecstasy. The boundaries among every brick contain maggots swirling in a white mass which is washed by a drizzle of blood that flows at the suture of brick borders. The ziggurat have a quadrangular base. Coming closer to the ziggurat makes one feel nauseated of the bad smell of rotting flesh.
Author name
  • Hananack
date created
  • Jan. 15, 2010
  • complete
  • Protruding as a blasphemy to the cloudy green grey dark sky stands the ziggurat of flesh. made of red bleeding humid large bricks of stone. Examining the stones closely reveals carving of hideous faces and animals all mixed up together in some painful dance of ecstasy. The boundaries among every brick contain maggots swirling in a white mass which is washed by a drizzle of blood that flows at the suture of brick borders. The ziggurat have a quadrangular base. Coming closer to the ziggurat makes one feel nauseated of the bad smell of rotting flesh.