  • Hallucinogenic plant
  • Whether this was the Goa'uld's attempt at ruling or an unusual experiment, the plan went wrong. Those who ingested the plants grew paranoid, hearing voices and doubting the intentions of friends. Even the Goa'uld itself was not spared when the villagers of the moon went mad, killing one another, and the host to the symbiote. According to Harry Maybourne, it tastes like arugula. (SG1: "Paradise Lost")
  • Whether this was the Goa'uld's attempt at ruling or an unusual experiment, the plan went wrong. Those who ingested the plants grew paranoid, hearing voices and doubting the intentions of friends. Even the Goa'uld itself was not spared when the villagers of the moon went mad, killing one another, and the host to the symbiote. According to Harry Maybourne, it tastes like arugula. (SG1: "Paradise Lost")