  • The Coldest War
  • Hello! Welcome to The Coldest War, a tumultuous landscape of subterfuge and violence set against a backdrop of clashing ideologies and the last embers of romanticism. Across forty years and seven continents, the Foundation struggles to keep the anomalous from bringing humankind even closer to destruction at the hands of overzealous ideologues. Good luck, and enjoy your stay in the Coldest War!
  • Hello! Welcome to The Coldest War, a tumultuous landscape of subterfuge and violence set against a backdrop of clashing ideologies and the last embers of romanticism. Across forty years and seven continents, the Foundation struggles to keep the anomalous from bringing humankind even closer to destruction at the hands of overzealous ideologues. Before you jump in, read through what's been written so far to get a feel for the universe. Then, figure out how you want your piece to fit in with the rest of the collection. There's plenty of elbow room — Cold War lasted forty years and involved almost every country to various degrees, so don't feel you have to reference existing characters or events heavily just to be consistent. The stories of this canon cover the whole length of 1945 to 1989, and much is left to your discretion, though we ask that you add new events to the timeline in pencil — bear in mind that other writers may want to use the same countries and figures in their own tales. In such a period of great espionage, the governments involved developed extensive cultures of secrecy and obfuscation. The right hand won't always know what the left is doing, so don't worry about duplication of roles between, say, the African and Asian branches of the Foundation, and so on. That being said, the Coldest War is an interconnected world, so linking is highly encouraged! Our canon holds tremendous potential for growth and recurrence — a SCP captured by the Russians in 1962 may be unleashed as a powerful new weapon in 1986. As you write, consider what seeds you are setting, for yourself and others. This canon is about compromising principles, about the gap between politics and reality, and about the power of technology to overwhelm the intentions of its wielders. What would America do with the Foundation's resources, if it meant stopping Communism in Asia? How would the Foundation decide what to save and what to abandon to the superpowers? Just how wrong could all this go? Good luck, and enjoy your stay in the Coldest War!