  • Retiree
  • A Retiree is a Tropican citizen, age 65 or older, who has retired from their job in Tropico 3 and Tropico 4. These citizens can still be appointed as ministers, factional leaders, or candidates for election. Since retirees don't work, they normally have no form of income and are forced to live in shacks unless they're married to a younger person who's still employed. Building no rent housing, enacting universal Free Housing, and/or giving the retirees social security payments will help them live better and be happier.
  • A Retiree is a Tropican citizen, age 65 or older, who has retired from their job in Tropico 3 and Tropico 4. These citizens can still be appointed as ministers, factional leaders, or candidates for election. Since retirees don't work, they normally have no form of income and are forced to live in shacks unless they're married to a younger person who's still employed. Building no rent housing, enacting universal Free Housing, and/or giving the retirees social security payments will help them live better and be happier. Retirees move very slowly, so it's important to have garages and metro stations to prevent them from walking too far.