  • Vice President of the Confederate States
  • The Vice President of the Confederate States was formally the second highest position within the government of the Confederacy, below that of the Office of the President of the Confederate States. According to the Confederate States Constitution, the Vice President's office was essentially identical to that of the Vice President of the United States. This included presiding over the Confederate Senate and breaking tied votes, and was also the first person in the line of succession. If the President died, resigned or was removed from office, the Vice President would become the new president for the remainder of his term.
  • The Vice President of the Confederate States was formally the second highest position within the government of the Confederacy, below that of the Office of the President of the Confederate States. According to the Confederate States Constitution, the Vice President's office was essentially identical to that of the Vice President of the United States. This included presiding over the Confederate Senate and breaking tied votes, and was also the first person in the line of succession. If the President died, resigned or was removed from office, the Vice President would become the new president for the remainder of his term. The major difference between the U.S. and the C.S. Vice Presidencies was that the term in office was six years long. The President was explicitly forbidden to run for a second term by the constitution, but the Vice President was not. In OTL, the office of Vice President ceased to exist with the C.S. after the end of the American Civil War. Only Alexander Stephens ever held the office.
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