  • Female Transformer
  • Despite being robotic lifeforms with generally non-sexual methods of reproduction, the Transformer species has almost always been shown to include both male and female gender analogues, at least mentally if not physically. Female Transformers are usually portrayed as comparatively rare, but are considered an official part of the Transformers franchise in pretty much every continuity. Click here for a List of female Transformers from all continuities.
  • A List of female Transformers is available.
  • Despite being robotic lifeforms with generally non-sexual methods of reproduction, the Transformer species has almost always been shown to include both male and female gender analogues, at least mentally if not physically. Female Transformers are usually portrayed as comparatively rare, but are considered an official part of the Transformers franchise in pretty much every continuity. Click here for a List of female Transformers from all continuities.
  • A List of female Transformers is available.