  • Confront your dreams
  • From: [[]] You must banish the Eater-of-Chains from your dreams. Take a spoonful of honey and go looking for him. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • A peace of sorts
Failure title
  • A savage encounter
  • 130
Failure description
  • […] The beast knows you suspect the Empress' puppy, and he appears almost immediately, glaring balefully. […] Before you can do anything, his jaws clamp around your arm and he starts to shake you like a rag doll... […] You have been warned. […]
From Card/Storylet title
  • The Eater-of-Chains Lies in Wait
Unlocked with
  • 10
Rare Success description
  • […] He snarls in your face, growling and threatening. […] Eventually, he withdraws. He throws himself back on his haunches, raises his head to the sky and lets out a long, piercing, ululating howl that will last far longer than this dream. […]
Rare Success title
  • A resounding howl
Success description
  • […] you meet the Eater-of-Chains almost immediately. […] But the way he's pacing tells you he's anxious. […] Eventually, he withdraws, lies down and places his paws over his eyes. He will not challenge your dreams further, now you know his secret.
Failure summary
  • You sip some honey and the Eater-of-Chains promptly enters your dream, terrifying as ever. Aware of your suspicions, he attacks you as a warning. The dream fades but your scar does not hurt afterwards.
  • You must banish the Eater-of-Chains from your dreams. Take a spoonful of honey and go looking for him.
Success summary
  • You find the Empress' puppy sleeping in the Shuttered Palace and sip some honey. The implicit threat that you can harm him subdues the Eater-of-Chains, who retreats after a show of force; he will leave you alone from now on.
Rare Success summary
  • You find the Empress' puppy sleeping in the Shuttered Palace and sip some honey. The Eater-of-Chains appears but is subdued by the implicit threat that you can harm the puppy; he retreats and lets out a long, haunting howl. He will not bother you again.
  • From: [[]] You must banish the Eater-of-Chains from your dreams. Take a spoonful of honey and go looking for him. [Find the rest of the story at ]