  • G.O.B.'s illusions
  • An illusion is the art practiced by magicians. It is not to be confused with a trick, which is something a whore does for money. G.O.B. performs numerous illusions, most of which end in failure. His song of choice is "The Final Countdown" by Europe. His primary rival is Tony Wonder. Illusions are not tricks.
  • An illusion is the art practiced by magicians. It is not to be confused with a trick, which is something a whore does for money. G.O.B. performs numerous illusions, most of which end in failure. His song of choice is "The Final Countdown" by Europe. His primary rival is Tony Wonder. Illusions are not tricks. Recurring illusions * The Aztec Tomb * Lighter fluid * Raining pennies * Hidden dove * Swallowed keys Special illusions * Prison escape ("Key Decisions") * Real apple, real neck ("Storming the Castle") * Saw the lady in half ("Storming the Castle") * Shirt-off-my-back ("Missing Kitty") * Disappearing yacht ("Missing Kitty") * Magic Coffin ("Good Grief") * The Sword of Destiny ("Sword of Destiny") * Free Chicken ("For British Eyes Only") * Burning bush ("Exit Strategy") * Amazing Jesus illusion ("Colony Collapse") Videos * Tricks Around the Office * Graft Versus Host video ("Prison Break-In")