  • Sequoyah oil fields
  • The oil fields in the state of Sequoyah went back and forth several times between the US and the CS in both the Great War and the Second Great War. Whoever was retreating blew up what they could to deny the other side the oil. When the U.S. held the oil fields, Confederate raiders and their Indian supporters sabotaged whatever wasn't blown up. That led to U.S. reprisals, which led to bushwhacking, which led to hell in a handbasket.
  • The oil fields in the state of Sequoyah went back and forth several times between the US and the CS in both the Great War and the Second Great War. Whoever was retreating blew up what they could to deny the other side the oil. When the U.S. held the oil fields, Confederate raiders and their Indian supporters sabotaged whatever wasn't blown up. That led to U.S. reprisals, which led to bushwhacking, which led to hell in a handbasket.