  • Stevethebarbarian
  • Once, in the aincient world of Lore, a rougue was born. Deciding to keep his true name secret, he developed an alias. He chose a name that has since been both beloved and feared. Stevethebarbarian. Many years later, Steve had lost the key to the portal that was needed to enter Lore, and found that he had precious little to do. He soon discovered the Vs Archives, and studied frantically for years. Due to his ninja skills learned Recently, he discovered the Joke Archives, and has found a role there nearly as perfect as the one he has at the Fan Archives.
  • Once, in the aincient world of Lore, a rougue was born. Deciding to keep his true name secret, he developed an alias. He chose a name that has since been both beloved and feared. Stevethebarbarian. Many years later, Steve had lost the key to the portal that was needed to enter Lore, and found that he had precious little to do. He soon discovered the Vs Archives, and studied frantically for years. Due to his ninja skills learned during his time in the world of Lore, he was extremely dangerous, and this also taught him quick thinking, in his mind giving him a distinct advantage in the constant debates among the gods of the Vs Archives. He soon bored of the Vs Archives, feeling that they were too structured, and that he couldn't make enough of a difference. It was then that he discovered the Fan Archives. Finding the perfect use for his skills, he spent countless hours studying and adding to the Archives. Recently, he discovered the Joke Archives, and has found a role there nearly as perfect as the one he has at the Fan Archives. Despite being a ninja, he is not immune to the Christmas spirit, and temporarilly changed his outfit to look more "Jolly," as opposed to his original, jet-black suit and katanas, during the holiday season.