  • Instant Cultured
  • There exists a fallacy in which for some reason a "smart" person must appreciate opera, classical music, or pull feats of chess mastery. So when one pulls a Flowers for Algernon Syndrome or Uplifted Animal, suddenly the subject starts to quote Shakespeare, rave about a fine old wine, or quip about how modern art makes no sense. One problem though, there was no Upgrade Artifact! So somehow becoming smarter gives you all sorts of useful information such as knowledge of language, history, sciences, and for some reason the arts but more than that it forces you to like them. Examples:
  • There exists a fallacy in which for some reason a "smart" person must appreciate opera, classical music, or pull feats of chess mastery. So when one pulls a Flowers for Algernon Syndrome or Uplifted Animal, suddenly the subject starts to quote Shakespeare, rave about a fine old wine, or quip about how modern art makes no sense. One problem though, there was no Upgrade Artifact! So somehow becoming smarter gives you all sorts of useful information such as knowledge of language, history, sciences, and for some reason the arts but more than that it forces you to like them. Hopefully, in the process of becoming a Dead Horse Trope. This, often results in Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness, Smart People Play Chess, and Smart People Speak the Queen's English. Compare/contrast Screw Learning, I Have Phlebotinum, Wicked Cultured, Cultured Badass, and Southern-Fried Genius. Examples: