  • Emily Thorne
  • Emily Thorne
  • Emily Thorne刚刚搬到汉普顿。她拥有邻家女孩般清纯靓丽的外表,人又很友好,那些家财万贯的富豪邻居们很快和她交上朋友。可是一个如此年轻的女孩独自一人在富人天堂里生活不让人感觉奇怪吗?事实上,Emily对这里的一切都不陌生--她曾经在这里出生、成长,直到十七年前的一天,她父亲最信任的邻居夫妇以卑鄙的手段陷害她父亲,令他蒙冤入狱被判终身监禁。 从那以后,Emily再也没有见过父亲。这些年她孤苦伶仃地流浪在外,她回来了--带着虚假的身份,带着满腔的怒火,带着复仇的欲望。她唯一的目标就是让曾经毁掉她家庭、颠覆她家族声誉的仇人血债血偿,逐步开始了她的复仇计划。但她必须小心谨慎,步步为营,否则很可能和父亲一样成为仇人手中的玩物。
  • Emily Thorne is the Main Protagonist and hero of the series Revenge tv series. Emily Rebecca Thorne (born Amanda Clarke, previouslyGrayson) is the daughter of the Clarke family, having lived in the Hamptons in 1992. Because her father was framed for a crime he didn't commit. Emily embarked on a 3 year journey to bring down The Graysons, Americon Initiative and also any other associates within their crimes. She successfully cleared David Clarke's name at the end of season 3, which led to the destruction of the Graysons, however, Emily has not heard the last of Victoria Grayson.
Row 1 info
  • Her Archenemy Victoria Grayson: Out of all the Graysons, Victoria was the one that Emily hated the most, since she had been her father's lover before she betrayed him. Victoria never fully trusted Emily, although both remain civil to each other for Daniel's sake, who is caught between the two as Victoria sternly disapproves of her son's relationship with Emily. Conrad Grayson: Emily also has a grudge against Conrad, seeing him as the man who tricked her father to unknowingly take the fall for the downing of Flight 197. Emily knows just how conniving Conrad is and has tried several times to ruin his career by using information she has gathered over the years. Unlike his wife, Conrad was charmed by Emily and trusted her and considers her a good mate for Daniel.
type of hero
  • True hero and Vengeance
Row 1 title
  • Her Main Goal: Is to clear her father David Clarke for murder and take down everybody that wronged her father.
  • Take down Victoria and Conrad Grayson who betrayed and framed her father David Clarke for a crime he didn't commit. Take down everyone who helped Victoria and Conrad Grayson framed her father David Clarke,
  • Revenge
  • Excellent in Martial Arts, highly intelligent and excellent detective skills
  • 存活
  • Mandy
  • Ems
  • Emily VanCamp
  • Emily Thorne
  • Emily Thorne
  • Surfing the internet and watching tv
  • Heiress and good guy
  • Amanda Clarke
  • Amanda Clarke
  • 6
  • 250
  • Emily Thorne刚刚搬到汉普顿。她拥有邻家女孩般清纯靓丽的外表,人又很友好,那些家财万贯的富豪邻居们很快和她交上朋友。可是一个如此年轻的女孩独自一人在富人天堂里生活不让人感觉奇怪吗?事实上,Emily对这里的一切都不陌生--她曾经在这里出生、成长,直到十七年前的一天,她父亲最信任的邻居夫妇以卑鄙的手段陷害她父亲,令他蒙冤入狱被判终身监禁。 从那以后,Emily再也没有见过父亲。这些年她孤苦伶仃地流浪在外,她回来了--带着虚假的身份,带着满腔的怒火,带着复仇的欲望。她唯一的目标就是让曾经毁掉她家庭、颠覆她家族声誉的仇人血债血偿,逐步开始了她的复仇计划。但她必须小心谨慎,步步为营,否则很可能和父亲一样成为仇人手中的玩物。
  • Emily Thorne is the Main Protagonist and hero of the series Revenge tv series. Emily Rebecca Thorne (born Amanda Clarke, previouslyGrayson) is the daughter of the Clarke family, having lived in the Hamptons in 1992. Because her father was framed for a crime he didn't commit. Emily embarked on a 3 year journey to bring down The Graysons, Americon Initiative and also any other associates within their crimes. She successfully cleared David Clarke's name at the end of season 3, which led to the destruction of the Graysons, however, Emily has not heard the last of Victoria Grayson.
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