  • Invasion Mode
  • Invasion Mode is a game mode in Conduit 2. It is similar to the Firefight mode in the Halo series. In this mode, players have limited lives to fight 15 waves of AI controlled enemies found in the Story Mode. Early waves feature weak enemies like the atlantean Fixers, drudge Tear-Mites, and Trust Soldiers equiped with conventional weapons; but as the match goes on, stronger enemies with more powerfull armament begin to appear. In total, there are 5 rounds with 3 waves of enemies per round. there is a total of 15 waves and each wave gets progressivly harder.
  • Invasion Mode is a game mode in Conduit 2. It is similar to the Firefight mode in the Halo series. In this mode, players have limited lives to fight 15 waves of AI controlled enemies found in the Story Mode. Early waves feature weak enemies like the atlantean Fixers, drudge Tear-Mites, and Trust Soldiers equiped with conventional weapons; but as the match goes on, stronger enemies with more powerfull armament begin to appear. This mode can be played alone, or with up to 3 friends in the same console, because of this, the mode can be found in the Splitscreen menu of the game. After setting up the controller options and loadouts, player can enter in the Invasion lobby. In it the difficult setting and one of the three maps can be chosen before beginning. The objective of the game is surviving the waves of enemies and gain as much credits as possible from them. The mode is co-operative since all players work for a single team against the computer, but also has some competitivity because the player with the highest score will win the match. Killed enemies will drop coins that can be collected by players, as well as giving points to it's killer. Also, the stronger an enemy is, the more coins it will drop. Sometimes enemies will yield a large coin that gives more credits. Also, a coin container will appear randomly in the match, shooting it will release several coins. If a player gets killed by the enemies, another player can grab his/her coins. In total, there are 5 rounds with 3 waves of enemies per round. there is a total of 15 waves and each wave gets progressivly harder. After a number of enemies killed, an Ammo Cache will come down from the sky for players to refill all their weapons.