  • Ask him yourself
  • From: [[]] Would a muscular man wrapped entirely in bandages have anything to hide? [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Audacity rewarded
Failure title
  • 'I should ask the same of you!'
  • 71
Failure description
  • The Once-Dashing Smuggler is evasive, and turns the tables on you […]. He hints that he knows how you arrived in the Neath, and all about the misdeeds you've committed since. Your friendship is under considerable strain by the time you depart.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Who is this Smuggler?
Success description
  • He invites you into his home, and laughs heartily when you ask. The Smuggler’s operation used to be a family business, at least until he died tragically. He glosses over the specific nature of the tragedy, however, and changes the subject […].
  • Would a muscular man wrapped entirely in bandages have anything to hide?
  • From: [[]] Would a muscular man wrapped entirely in bandages have anything to hide? [Find the rest of the story at ]