  • Eieio234
  • Eieio234 is a f2p user who is level 98 right now. He made his account in mid march of 2006 to make up for the account he gave away a level 64 named eieio7. eieio234 wears full saradomin, a rune scimitar, rune gauntlets, fighting boots, explorer's ring 4, amulet of power and a veteran cape(5 year). He did the 14-day mem trail. His stats are He is training str hp and pray in the wilid on greater demon using accursed urn and lobs
  • Eieio234 is a f2p user who is level 98 right now. He made his account in mid march of 2006 to make up for the account he gave away a level 64 named eieio7. eieio234 wears full saradomin, a rune scimitar, rune gauntlets, fighting boots, explorer's ring 4, amulet of power and a veteran cape(5 year). He did the 14-day mem trail. His stats are attack 80 strength 79 defence 79 ranged 51 prayer 56 magic 63 rcing 76 const 2 dung 61 hp 79 agil 39 helb 27 ther 39 crafting 58 flecthing 1 slayer 39 hunter 10 mining 65 smithing 68 fishing 74 cooking 76 firemaking 75 wcing 74 farming 11 summing 4 his total level is 1261 His total xp is around 16,300,000 He is training str hp and pray in the wilid on greater demon using accursed urn and lobs