  • Oh My Dayum
  • The Murica party banned This Channel from Murica after This Channel refused to play Oh My Dayum. The Murica party then created the Murica Channel, which to this day plays Oh My Dayum constantly. Oh My Dayum started to brainwash the Americans turning them into Muricans. Oh My Dayum then became part of Project: Freedom, a secret project to brainwash the American people. The song itself was a main reason why America became Murica. In 2009, the song was banned in Canada.
  • The Murica party banned This Channel from Murica after This Channel refused to play Oh My Dayum. The Murica party then created the Murica Channel, which to this day plays Oh My Dayum constantly. Oh My Dayum started to brainwash the Americans turning them into Muricans. Oh My Dayum then became part of Project: Freedom, a secret project to brainwash the American people. The song itself was a main reason why America became Murica. In 2009, the song was banned in Canada.