  • FarmVille
  • Farmville
  • FarmVille
  • Farmville
  • all, Facebook users, casual gamers
  • FarmVille is a game on Facebook. It was launched on June 19th, 2009. The game currently has over 65,000,000 active users each month. FarmVille was named the Best Social App in the third annual Crunchie Awards. FarmVille is highly rated by its players; it frequently has an average of 4 out of 5 stars on Facebook, though the ratings rise and plummet occasionally in light of certain events or difficulties. Currently, FarmVille is still in the beta stage, and it will be for quite some time to come. It was developed by Zynga.
  • FarmVille ist ein Spiel von Facebook. Man kann es nur auf Facebook spielen.
  • FarmVille is a Facebook application created by Zynga. It runs on Adobe Flash Player. This game is very similar to YoVille. Players use avatars who wear farmer's clothes. Only the face of the avatar along with the hair and eyes can be customized. Players start with a small piece of land which can be cultivated with crops of your choice. As the player levels up more crops are unlocked. Players can also decorate, expand their farms to suit their needs. Players can also buy animals which can be harvested along with the crops. New items arrive at the time of special days, for example, Halloween. For more information about FarmVille, please visit the FarmVille Wiki.
  • Farmville is one of the Team Skywars maps on Minecraft Central. The date of its release is unknown. It was created by xCorymbus and TheUnicorn.
  • Farmville (or Yawnville) is one of the best Communist games ever created in society. You may find it on Facebook and it requires day in and day out of planting amazing crops, building structures (that are doomed to remain unfinished), taking care of animals, and harvesting them for money while bugging your friends about it. The game is found by most to be very boring. But I bet there are some things you didn't know about Farmville.
  • This offer is no longer advertised, but can still be completed by some players, while others report being unable to complete one or more of the steps. It is currently unknown why this is, but if the promotion is active for you then it can be completed by following the steps below. If you completed the harvesting steps but still can't find the icon, this link may allow you to collect your refill. Otherwise, the offer may be closed to you.
  • MtaÄ
  • 2010-01-21
  • Inaktiv
  • w:c:farmville
  • all, Facebook users, casual gamers
  • Unknown
  • ja
  • Farmville is a Flash-based, Facebook-exclusive web game from Zynga, where the player has to take care of a farm, cultivate crops, make buildings, take care of animals and so on. Perhaps one of the main reasons for people to log into Facebook daily for long periods of time.
  • FarmVille Wiki
  • xCorymbus and TheUnicorn
  • w:Gaming
  • FarmVille
  • de.farmville
  • Gaming
  • w:c:farmville
  • FarmVille Wiki
  • all, Facebook users, casual gamers
  • FarmVille is a game on Facebook. It was launched on June 19th, 2009. The game currently has over 65,000,000 active users each month. FarmVille was named the Best Social App in the third annual Crunchie Awards. FarmVille is highly rated by its players; it frequently has an average of 4 out of 5 stars on Facebook, though the ratings rise and plummet occasionally in light of certain events or difficulties. Currently, FarmVille is still in the beta stage, and it will be for quite some time to come. It was developed by Zynga.
  • This offer is no longer advertised, but can still be completed by some players, while others report being unable to complete one or more of the steps. It is currently unknown why this is, but if the promotion is active for you then it can be completed by following the steps below. To gain your refill, enter farmville using the link for the Farmville bonus pop up and harvest your crops. The icon stack on the left side of the screen will only show two at a time; the Mafia Wars icon you need to claim your prize will most likely be 'burried' under more recent advertisements posted there. You'll have to click those other icons and complete or cancel their suggestions until the Mafia Wars icon pops up; once it does, click it to claim your stamina refill! If you completed the harvesting steps but still can't find the icon, this link may allow you to collect your refill. Otherwise, the offer may be closed to you.
  • FarmVille ist ein Spiel von Facebook. Man kann es nur auf Facebook spielen.
  • FarmVille is a Facebook application created by Zynga. It runs on Adobe Flash Player. This game is very similar to YoVille. Players use avatars who wear farmer's clothes. Only the face of the avatar along with the hair and eyes can be customized. Players start with a small piece of land which can be cultivated with crops of your choice. As the player levels up more crops are unlocked. Players can also decorate, expand their farms to suit their needs. Players can also buy animals which can be harvested along with the crops. New items arrive at the time of special days, for example, Halloween. For more information about FarmVille, please visit the FarmVille Wiki.
  • Farmville is one of the Team Skywars maps on Minecraft Central. The date of its release is unknown. It was created by xCorymbus and TheUnicorn.
  • Farmville (or Yawnville) is one of the best Communist games ever created in society. You may find it on Facebook and it requires day in and day out of planting amazing crops, building structures (that are doomed to remain unfinished), taking care of animals, and harvesting them for money while bugging your friends about it. The game is found by most to be very boring. But I bet there are some things you didn't know about Farmville.