  • Celestial Tournament! Chapter 6
  • Kenshin: Who is... Kenshin: What do you want? Don't tell me you're one of these people that don't know when a fight is over. Draco: That depends on you. Kenshin: What is that supposed to mean? Draco: Show me your face. Draco: Didn't you hear me? Kenshin: I'm not the person you're looking for. Draco: So be it. Hey, if you hear about someone dying outside of the tournament, don't tell anyone it was me, alright? Kenshin: Alright. Miyaki: I WAS SO SCARED AFTER YOU GOT INJURED EARLY, HOODED FRIEND! Kenshin: You had any doubts that I'm gonna win? Miyaki: I'm proud of you! Miyaki: Of course! Miyaki: Yes!
  • Kenshin: Who is... Kenshin: What do you want? Don't tell me you're one of these people that don't know when a fight is over. Draco: That depends on you. Kenshin: What is that supposed to mean? Draco: Show me your face. Draco: Didn't you hear me? Kenshin: I'm not the person you're looking for. Draco: So be it. Hey, if you hear about someone dying outside of the tournament, don't tell anyone it was me, alright? Kenshin: Alright. Miyaki: I WAS SO SCARED AFTER YOU GOT INJURED EARLY, HOODED FRIEND! Kenshin: You had any doubts that I'm gonna win? Miyaki: Hehe...I should've known there is no way my friend will lose! Miyaki: I'm proud of you! Kenshin: YOU IDIOT!! THAT'S MY INJURED SHOULDER! Miyaki: Right right! I'm sorry Hooded Friend! Kenshin: Are you really gonna stay so close to me during the entire tournament? Miyaki: Of course! Kenshin: Your answer wasn't hard to predict. Miyaki: Hey, listen! We should go to the biggest screen and watch some of the current matches! You know, there are more rings inside the arena. Kenshin: That's a pretty good idea actually. We might be able to find about the abilities of some other competitors. Miyaki: Yes! Kenshin: Hey, I'm gonna be there for you during your next fight, alright? Miyaki: It would be awesome to have you cheering for me, Hooded Friend, however, the next stage is the first group stage, so the fights will be taking place during the same time. Kenshin: Then I will finish my fight as soon as possible so I can see yours! Miyaki: Haha, I guess that works!