  • Cyber-bomb
  • Because of their destructive property, they were outlawed by the Armageddon Convention despite the Cybermen not attending the conference. (TV: Revenge of the Cybermen, PROSE: The Empire of Glass) Some Cyber-bombs were capable of destroying a planet, or all life forms on a planet (such as the Cyber-megatron bomb) (TV: The Invasion) and others were supposedly capable of destroying a TARDIS. (TV: The Five Doctors) The Cybermen planned to destroy Earth in 2526 to prevent the Cyber-Wars. The Fifth Doctor described this cyber-bomb as being powerful enough to make life difficult for the people who survived the blast. (TV: Earthshock)
  • Cyber-bomb
  • Explosive
  • Because of their destructive property, they were outlawed by the Armageddon Convention despite the Cybermen not attending the conference. (TV: Revenge of the Cybermen, PROSE: The Empire of Glass) Some Cyber-bombs were capable of destroying a planet, or all life forms on a planet (such as the Cyber-megatron bomb) (TV: The Invasion) and others were supposedly capable of destroying a TARDIS. (TV: The Five Doctors) The Cybermen planned to destroy Earth in 2526 to prevent the Cyber-Wars. The Fifth Doctor described this cyber-bomb as being powerful enough to make life difficult for the people who survived the blast. (TV: Earthshock) Cybermen were Time Scooped to the Death Zone on Gallifrey and attempted to use several cyber-bombs to destroy the Doctor's TARDIS. (TV: The Five Doctors) Some time around the 29th century, a ship of Cybermen attempted to destroy the Planet of Gold, Voga. The Cyber-Leader stated that only two bombs were needed to "fragmentise" the planet. (TV: Revenge of the Cybermen) In 6211, a Sontaran stealth raid destroyed Tersurus with an earthshock bomb they obtained from the Cybermen. (PROSE: The Crystal Bucephalus)