  • The Wuffers
  • Meet the agents and villains of the WUFFers: World of Undercover Fido Fighters. Characters: Yojimbo: A shiba inu of some sort. Appears to be a samurai. Leader of the bunch. Rico: A mexican wrestling chjihuahua. Digger: A dachshund whose a ninja. Jack Jack: A jack russell terrier. Probably very arrogant. Woo Woo: A pug. He's into sumo wrestling. Deon: A basenji with all sorts of gadgets. Possible Ensemble Darkhorse. Mimi: Another shiba inu. Seen twirling sais. Links: * * Sp 3 x RZ 9 v 5 tc&feature=related
  • Meet the agents and villains of the WUFFers: World of Undercover Fido Fighters. Characters: Yojimbo: A shiba inu of some sort. Appears to be a samurai. Leader of the bunch. Rico: A mexican wrestling chjihuahua. Digger: A dachshund whose a ninja. Jack Jack: A jack russell terrier. Probably very arrogant. Woo Woo: A pug. He's into sumo wrestling. Deon: A basenji with all sorts of gadgets. Possible Ensemble Darkhorse. Mimi: Another shiba inu. Seen twirling sais. Links: * * Sp 3 x RZ 9 v 5 tc&feature=related