  • Fourftonne
  • Fourftonne is a large city on the Black Sea, across the Night Strait from Nightrock Isle, north of Parthshore, and south of Halftonne. Fourftonne was finded by Billow the Slave on CC: 44/4/4,747. According to Erzael, the day prior to that Billow had been commanded by his Father Yornn: "A fourf yer way to the site wherein mine fogman Gebel told you to find a town; at a place that you shall arrive at on the morrow, you are to find another town, oversee its birth, and leave behind a fourf yer people. Name it for the town." Billow did this, and oversaw the construction of the New Kennel, a famous bar and brothel, as well as the construction of the Katar Building, which served as a sort of courthouse. Later on, Asel the Architect returned, and built Billow's Bar, Billow's Books, and the Aselry
  • Fourf-Flag
  • Fourf-Flag.png
  • - Lobott - Reyshi
Top-level Map
  • Fourftonne Location.png
  • The Red - Я - Red Letter Б - Blue Letter 1 Я = 100 Б
  • ~300,000
  • Fourftonne
  • "Love Yer Brother True"
finding date
  • CC: 44/4/4,747
  • Fourftonne is a large city on the Black Sea, across the Night Strait from Nightrock Isle, north of Parthshore, and south of Halftonne. Fourftonne was finded by Billow the Slave on CC: 44/4/4,747. According to Erzael, the day prior to that Billow had been commanded by his Father Yornn: "A fourf yer way to the site wherein mine fogman Gebel told you to find a town; at a place that you shall arrive at on the morrow, you are to find another town, oversee its birth, and leave behind a fourf yer people. Name it for the town." Billow did this, and oversaw the construction of the New Kennel, a famous bar and brothel, as well as the construction of the Katar Building, which served as a sort of courthouse. Later on, Asel the Architect returned, and built Billow's Bar, Billow's Books, and the Aselry (which was used as a government building, but then later on became a candle shop). Gaulmüknner, a building built by Asel's student, Xakael (born Hons - a form of Jon or Jonos - gained his name from Asel, meaning literally "Warrior of Goddess," but more figuratively "Warrior of 10th" - it should be noted that the Farwestern name Azolk, often Lobottimized as Asel is merely cosmetically similar to this version of Asel) was built to serve Reyshi cuisine (Xak was Reyshi), like gaursten (sausages), Vrankforteren (hot dogs), and Saierkrauten (sauerkrauts, literally "Sayerthenner Cabbages"). Xakael's son, Grollgebel staged the Dustings' Coup, seizing control of the Katar Building, and the Aselry at once. The city was one of the few that had not been finded as a fief, but legally became one a week after the Dustings' Coup, when Grollgebel declared himself Lord Fourftonne, Grollgebel Fourthrule. The city's population is about 300,000, slightly more than Halftonne's 280,00, and much more than Wheeltonne's previous population of 180,000. Now no one lives at Wheeltonne, and tallmen constantly besiege Fourftonne. Currently, the Duke Chainsnap is Beyoss Fourthrule. The House of Fourthrule is known for their swarthiness, being descended from Reynlenn. Beyoss' sister, Bara Fourthrule is a Lady at the Great-Domes of Parthshore. Their distant uncle, Duke Grollgebel Fourthrule, one of the first dukes of the Delklands, was killed by Ross Fourthwalk 180 years ago. Ross was just seventeen then, and had grown up in Fourftonne. His father was a wheelwright, and ended up with the Bloodspoke at some point in his life, danning him, and Ross.