  • 415
  • 415
  • 415
  • 415
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  • El cuatrocientos quince (415) es el número natural que sigue al 414 y precede al 416. Categoría:Números
  • 415 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa przyspieszona okresowa, która kursowała z Mokrego Ługu do GUS-u. Przejechanie całej trasy zajmowało jej od 33 do 46 minut, a kursowała co 30 minut jedynie w godzinach szczytu w dni powszednie. Linię obsługiwała Zajezdnia autobusowa Ostrobramska.
  • Barnabas Collins finds his younger sister Sarah Collins in the family mausoleum, asleep. Sarah wakes up and asks her brother to take her home but Barnabas says he can't. Barnabas turns around and there is blood streaming from his mouth. Sarah become terrified and runs out of the mausoleum. Barnabas moans as he sees the sun start to come up so he cannot go after his sister.
  • Nach einem leidenschaftlichen Kuss mit Nina bricht Marian - entsetzt über sich selbst - die Situation ab. Nina hat sich nicht länger im Griff und lässt ihrer Wut freien Lauf. Marian sucht inzwischen verzweifelt nach Nadja, die Essen verlassen will. Juli kann kaum glauben, dass sie endlich mit Oliver zusammen ist. Doch Mike holt sie unsanft aus ihren rosaroten Liebesträumen, indem er sie an eine andere Leidenschaft erinnert: Juli hat ihren ersten Wettkampf vergessen. Mike nimmt das zum Anlass, ihr eine entscheidende Frage zu stellen. Simone und Richard sind geschieden. Kaum alleine, hängen beide melancholischen Gefühle nach, die Richard allerdings in eine gefährliche Mischung aus Sentimentalität und Promille versetzt. Er gerät prompt mit Simone aneinander, die deshalb mit allen Mitteln erre
  • 415
  • 1968-01-22
  • 409
  • 1796
  • 1968-01-26
  • 415
  • thumb __TOC__
  • El cuatrocientos quince (415) es el número natural que sigue al 414 y precede al 416. Categoría:Números
  • 415 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa przyspieszona okresowa, która kursowała z Mokrego Ługu do GUS-u. Przejechanie całej trasy zajmowało jej od 33 do 46 minut, a kursowała co 30 minut jedynie w godzinach szczytu w dni powszednie. Linię obsługiwała Zajezdnia autobusowa Ostrobramska.
  • Barnabas Collins finds his younger sister Sarah Collins in the family mausoleum, asleep. Sarah wakes up and asks her brother to take her home but Barnabas says he can't. Barnabas turns around and there is blood streaming from his mouth. Sarah become terrified and runs out of the mausoleum. Barnabas moans as he sees the sun start to come up so he cannot go after his sister. Naomi Collins paces around the drawing room nervously. The sound of the front doors is heard opening. It is Millicent Collins. She and Naomi argue over whether or not Victoria Winters is a witch. Millicent assures her that Sarah will be all right. Outside Barnabas searches for Sarah, begging her not to be afraid of him. Suddenly a voice calls out for Sarah; it is Ben Stokes. Ben asks Barnabas what he is doing here. Barnabas replies that he is looking for Sarah, too. Barnabas blames himself for what has happened to Sarah. Ben tells Barnabas to go back to the mausoleum; he will continue searching for Sarah. Sarah is hiding behind Jeremiah's tombstone. Barnabas, on his way to the mausoleum, passes by her but does not see her. Ben finds Sarah and tells her he is glad to see her and she should tell him what is wrong, but Sarah cannot speak. The storm breaks and it starts raining heavily. Back at Collinwood, the storm awakens Naomi who has been sleeping in the drawing room. She asks MIllicent how long she has been sleeping. Millicent says it has been an hour. While looking out the window, Millicent sees Ben carrying Sarah. They rush to the front door to meet him. Ben tells them to call for a doctor; Sarah is ill. The next day, Sarah lies in bed while Naomi and Millicent discuss her illness. Naomi believes Sarah has pneumonia. Ben comes in and Sarah smiles at him in gratitude for saving her life. When Sarah is unable to speak, Millicent has an idea: Sarah can write her thoughts on a a slate. Sarah writes "BARNABAS" on the slate with a piece of chalk. Millicent tells Sarah that Barnabas is away but that he will return. This frightens Sarah. Naomi tells her not to be afraid. Sarah loses consciousness. At sundown Barnabas wakes and exits the secret room in the tomb. He calls for Ben to bring him news about Sarah. Meanwhile, Ben is in Sarah's room watching over Sarah with Naomi and Millicent. Ben and Naomi discuss Sarah's fear of her own brother. Barnabas waits for Ben in the mausoleum. Ben finally makes it to the mausoleum and tells Barnabas that Sarah is very ill. Barnabas again blames himself, but Ben says that it is the curse. Barnabas asks Ben to let him see Sarah. Ben protests saying Sarah has not spoken a word since he found her. Barnabas insists that he wants Sarah to know that she should not be afraid of him. Ben finally gives in, telling Barnabas that he will need his help. Barnabas thanks Ben. In Sarah's room, Millicent tells Naomi to go have dinner promising to look after Sarah while Naomi is gone . Naomi leaves and Ben comes in and offers to watch over Sarah. Millicent tells him that she has to go write a letter and leaves. Ben tells Sarah that she is going to have a visitor: her brother. Ben lets Barnabas into the room, excuses himself, and leaves. Barnabas begs Sarah to forgive him for scaring her and to get better. Sarah finally manages to speak, asking Barnabas to hold her. He does. She tells him that she will always love him and dies. Barnabas mourns the loss of his sister.
  • Nach einem leidenschaftlichen Kuss mit Nina bricht Marian - entsetzt über sich selbst - die Situation ab. Nina hat sich nicht länger im Griff und lässt ihrer Wut freien Lauf. Marian sucht inzwischen verzweifelt nach Nadja, die Essen verlassen will. Juli kann kaum glauben, dass sie endlich mit Oliver zusammen ist. Doch Mike holt sie unsanft aus ihren rosaroten Liebesträumen, indem er sie an eine andere Leidenschaft erinnert: Juli hat ihren ersten Wettkampf vergessen. Mike nimmt das zum Anlass, ihr eine entscheidende Frage zu stellen. Simone und Richard sind geschieden. Kaum alleine, hängen beide melancholischen Gefühle nach, die Richard allerdings in eine gefährliche Mischung aus Sentimentalität und Promille versetzt. Er gerät prompt mit Simone aneinander, die deshalb mit allen Mitteln erreichen will, dass Richard aus der Villa zieht. Doch Richard denkt nicht daran.
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