  • Quick Reputation
  • If you need Reputation for a quest and need it quick, there are some easy, repeatable quests you can do to get your reputation up. Not all repeatable quests for an area are listed, as some items are more of a pain to obtain than others. The ones listed are quick and easy quests. Also, note that your reputation in Jeuno is raised by gaining reputation in other nations - If you raise your Bastok reputation to level 9, you may find your Jeuno reputation is around level 4 when you arrive in the city.
  • If you need Reputation for a quest and need it quick, there are some easy, repeatable quests you can do to get your reputation up. Not all repeatable quests for an area are listed, as some items are more of a pain to obtain than others. The ones listed are quick and easy quests. Also, note that your reputation in Jeuno is raised by gaining reputation in other nations - If you raise your Bastok reputation to level 9, you may find your Jeuno reputation is around level 4 when you arrive in the city. NOTE: Insure to complete the Records of Eminence quests that pertain to Fame under the Achievements tab, in the Objective List.