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  • 404 - Year of Connections - these were the four years of a new start in our century. Read on Year before: 403 - Year after: 405 - Myra - History
  • Fehler: 404 Gesuchte Sünde nicht im Sündenregister verzeichnet. weitere Infos unter: Fehlercode Der Lachfisch-Zahlenstrahl: 0 - 00 - 3 - 4 - 7 - 9 - 11 - 12 - 42 - 100 - 404 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> $1 - Dunkelziffer - Heilige Zahl - Rübezahl - Zwölfmeter
  • [[Grafika:Aleja_Prymasa_Tysiaclecia_(autobus_404).JPG|right|thumb|250px|Autobus linii 404 w alei Prymasa Tysiąclecia (2008)]] 404 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa przyspieszona okresowa, która kursowała na trasie z Tarchomina na Plac Narutowicza. Linię obsługiwały zajezdnia autobusowa Stalowa i zajezdnia autobusowa Woronicza.
  • The page you were looking for has been redirected here because one or more of the following reasons: * It has been determined that it did not contain information actually seen in an episode * It contradicted reputable information elsewhere in this wiki * It contained information that does not relate to the show
  • 404 is an event item for April 2008. Made on April 1, 2008, this allows the user's Avatar to display a "404 Not Found" over their body, instead of what they have equipped.
  • El cuatrocientos cuatro (404) es el número natural que sigue al 403 y precede al 405. Categoría:Números
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  • Barnabas Collins is in the courtyard at Collinwood waiting for Josette Collins. He tells himself that he must find a way to get Josette away from the house immediately without telling her the reason she is in danger. He wonders why she does not come to meet him. Barnabas repeats that Josette is in danger, and if she knows that Angelique is a witch, she will die!
  • Ingo ist sauer, weil Annette ihm nicht vertraut. Erst als Ingo von dem Missverständnis erfährt, will er auf Annette zugehen. Und so kommt es zu einer Versöhnung, in deren Verlauf Annette allerdings eine weitreichende Frage stellt. Jenny ist wütend, dass Maximilian mit Lena geschlafen hat und lässt diesen am nächsten Morgen ihren Zorn deutlich spüren. Als er auch noch einen verzweifelten Annäherungsversuch seiner Schwester abweist, lässt Jenny ihre Wut an Lena aus, die Maximilian mit einer simplen Frage fast aus der Fassung bringt. Juli und Oliver treffen zufällig aufeinander. Oliver will mit Juli über ihr verunglücktes Date sprechen, aber Juli zeigt ihm die kalte Schulter. Sie hat genug der Träumereien und will sich ganz dem Eislaufen widmen - mit Erfolg: Juli steht ihren ersten Sprung auf
  • 134282
  • 404
  • 1968-01-05
  • 398
  • 404
  • 2013-02-14
  • 1795
  • 404
  • 1968-01-11
  • 2475
  • N/A
  • 404.0
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  • white; black
  • April
  • Edward Chernenko
  • 163559
  • 404
  • 2008
  • Oops! The page you were looking for is no longer here in this wiki. If you wish to add fake episodes or unseen characters, please visit the fanon. The reason the page is redirected is because:1. Its a fake or future episode that has no prove or sources2. Its a page that does not have to do with this wiki.3. Its has not enough text.
  • 404 - Year of Connections - these were the four years of a new start in our century. Read on Year before: 403 - Year after: 405 - Myra - History
  • Barnabas Collins is in the courtyard at Collinwood waiting for Josette Collins. He tells himself that he must find a way to get Josette away from the house immediately without telling her the reason she is in danger. He wonders why she does not come to meet him. Barnabas repeats that Josette is in danger, and if she knows that Angelique is a witch, she will die! Millicent Collins comes to Barnabas and tells him that Josette will not see him because Natalie has forbidden her from talking to him. Millicent, however, believes that Josette is afraid of meeting with Barnabas because Josette is still in love with him. Barnabas tells Millicent that Josette is in danger and must leave Collinwood, prompting Millicent to state, "I don't understand." Barnabas asks for Millicent's help in persuading Josette to leave by asking her to take a walk. Millicent says Joshua Collins and Naomi Collins would be angry that she is helping Barnabas. Barnabas then brings up Nathan Forbes's name and saying that the lieutenant has reliability problems. Millicent adamantly proclaims that she knows enough of men to tell that Nathan's attention to her is sincere. Barnabas assures Millicent that he will not tell Joshua and Naomi about the couple. Millicent agrees to ask Josette to take a walk and informs Barnabas that she must wait to perform the task since the Countess and Naomi are planning a trip into town. She tells Barnabas she will ask Josette for a walk at sundown, and Barnabas says he will be behind the grillwork gates near the terrace. He stresses that this is a matter of life and death. At the Collinsport Gaol, a blond gentleman escorts Victoria Winters through a door. Barnabas Collins enters the room from the opposite side with a white-haired man, whom he identifies as Judge Matigan. The judge states that he would like to help Victoria; all she has to do is answer a few questions honestly. The questions are "Do you deny all of Reverend Trask's charges against you?" and "Do you deny that you have ever practiced witchcraft?," both of which Vicky answer favorably. Judge Matigan states that he does not believe in witchcraft and that he believes Trask to be "a common charlatan." He would like to defend Victoria so that he can expose Trask; all she has to do is cooperate, and she agrees. She says she has no reason to harm any member of the Collins family, but she hesitates when Matigan asks if she was previously acquainted with the family before replying negatively. Judge Matigan asks for further information on Victoria's strange arrival. Barnabas tells the judge that her carriage overturned, but Madigan would rather hear the words coming out of Victoria's mouth. Victoria says she had an accident on the road, but she does not answer the judge's questions of where she was coming from and where she had lived before arriving in Collinsport. Barnabas again answers for her, stating that Victoria was from Boston. Judge Matigan asks if Victoria was raised in a foundling home in Boston, to which she agrees. He then asks for the name of the home, but Vicky asks why that would matter. The judge states he must communicate with the foundling home for some outside information on Victoria's background. Barnabas says he can testify for Victoria, but the judge says someone who knew Victoria before she came to Collinwood will have to appear in court. Victoria tells Barnabas Judge Matigan should know the truth, that she comes from another time and place, the future, two hundred years from now. Barnabas tries to lighten the judge's understandable confusion by saying that Victoria is confused. Judge Matigan says he does not know what to believe and that he would like to help Victoria. She says that no one can help her. Barnabas tells Victoria that he will find someone to defend her and for her to remember that he will do something to make her safe. Barnabas leaves, and the blond man tells Victoria not to cry. He pulls Victoria's locket out of his pocket and gives it to her. He says after seeing the look on her face when it was taken from her by a guard, he had to get it back to her somehow, so he bribed the guards. Victoria wonders why someone who does not know her would help her. The man says he believes she is innocent, though he had some doubts. He believes she is trying to tell the truth and that she is not a witch; he has heard her crying at night, meaning she is frightened. He knows she is not a witch since he pitied her the first time he heard her cries. He states he might be able to help her by defending her if Barnabas can find no one else, since he studies law. As the two rise for him to take her back to her cell, he reminds her that he will be right outside her door. Victoria says that she is not afraid to go back to the cell. Back at Collinwood, Barnabas hides while Millicent and Josette approach. Barnabas calls to Josette, saying he must speak to her. Josette refuses to break the promise to her aunt. Barnabas tells Millicent to go back inside, and to tell anyone who asks that Josette will be back in a moment. Barnabas informs Josette that she is in great danger and urges her to leave Collinwood as soon as possible. Josette refuses to leave until a proper period of mourning has passed. Barnabas then states that the couple were never married since they were under a spell. Josette says she does not believe in witchcraft, and Barnabas asks if she willingly deceived him. Josette says everything seems like a dream. Barnabas tells Josette he knows who the witch is, but he at the moment he cannot reveal the witch's identity to Josette. He then asks if she trusts him to leave Collinwood. The couple hear the bat before it comes into view. Suddenly, the camera moves closer to the bat's face; it has red eyes!
  • Fehler: 404 Gesuchte Sünde nicht im Sündenregister verzeichnet. weitere Infos unter: Fehlercode Der Lachfisch-Zahlenstrahl: 0 - 00 - 3 - 4 - 7 - 9 - 11 - 12 - 42 - 100 - 404 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> $1 - Dunkelziffer - Heilige Zahl - Rübezahl - Zwölfmeter
  • Ingo ist sauer, weil Annette ihm nicht vertraut. Erst als Ingo von dem Missverständnis erfährt, will er auf Annette zugehen. Und so kommt es zu einer Versöhnung, in deren Verlauf Annette allerdings eine weitreichende Frage stellt. Jenny ist wütend, dass Maximilian mit Lena geschlafen hat und lässt diesen am nächsten Morgen ihren Zorn deutlich spüren. Als er auch noch einen verzweifelten Annäherungsversuch seiner Schwester abweist, lässt Jenny ihre Wut an Lena aus, die Maximilian mit einer simplen Frage fast aus der Fassung bringt. Juli und Oliver treffen zufällig aufeinander. Oliver will mit Juli über ihr verunglücktes Date sprechen, aber Juli zeigt ihm die kalte Schulter. Sie hat genug der Träumereien und will sich ganz dem Eislaufen widmen - mit Erfolg: Juli steht ihren ersten Sprung auf dem Eis.
  • [[Grafika:Aleja_Prymasa_Tysiaclecia_(autobus_404).JPG|right|thumb|250px|Autobus linii 404 w alei Prymasa Tysiąclecia (2008)]] 404 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa przyspieszona okresowa, która kursowała na trasie z Tarchomina na Plac Narutowicza. Linię obsługiwały zajezdnia autobusowa Stalowa i zajezdnia autobusowa Woronicza.
  • The page you were looking for has been redirected here because one or more of the following reasons: * It has been determined that it did not contain information actually seen in an episode * It contradicted reputable information elsewhere in this wiki * It contained information that does not relate to the show
  • 404 is an event item for April 2008. Made on April 1, 2008, this allows the user's Avatar to display a "404 Not Found" over their body, instead of what they have equipped.
  • El cuatrocientos cuatro (404) es el número natural que sigue al 403 y precede al 405. Categoría:Números
  • What do you want to do? * Search existing articles for 404 * Create article 404
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