  • Caohi
  • Hello and thank you for visiting my language page. This language I'm creating is called Caohi (/Kao̯hi/). Please see my other language called Bunakin. I am trying to make Caohi a very simple language that is easy to learn. The grammar of Caohi is influenced slightly by Welsh, which I can speak fairly well. The vocabulary of Caohi is completely a-priori, unrelated to any other language.
  • Hello and thank you for visiting my language page. This language I'm creating is called Caohi (/Kao̯hi/). Please see my other language called Bunakin. I am trying to make Caohi a very simple language that is easy to learn. The grammar of Caohi is influenced slightly by Welsh, which I can speak fairly well. The vocabulary of Caohi is completely a-priori, unrelated to any other language.