  • Tuntwig
  • Tuntwig is a Turtwig who is on the same PokéClub team as Pinkachu, thus it being his mission to protect him. Tuntwig is known for the blue bandana on his neck. His name originated when he made a tiny mistake on his contract, yet Nobody ever knew his real name. He's part of Team Random alongside Block Guy. File:Mario head smaller.jpg This thing's a . It doesn't appear in dictionaries, so listen up what a stub is: A very small garbage can, with only a little junk. ADD MORE JUNK TO IT SO IT BECOMES A GIANT GARBAGE CAN!
  • Tuntwig is a Turtwig who is on the same PokéClub team as Pinkachu, thus it being his mission to protect him. Tuntwig is known for the blue bandana on his neck. His name originated when he made a tiny mistake on his contract, yet Nobody ever knew his real name. He's part of Team Random alongside Block Guy. File:Mario head smaller.jpg This thing's a . It doesn't appear in dictionaries, so listen up what a stub is: A very small garbage can, with only a little junk. ADD MORE JUNK TO IT SO IT BECOMES A GIANT GARBAGE CAN!