  • Sha Gojyo/History
  • Even with Banri's inconsistent presence, Gojyo managed to settle down in a small town, supporting himself by gambling at cards, and filling in his loneliness with booze and women. On his way home from a bar, alone, he stumbled across what he thought at first was a corpse. In fact it was youkai with deep green eyes, whom was gravely injured, lying in the middle of the road. Gojyo helped him, taking him to his house, securing medical care for him, and letting him stay while he healed. - Sha Gojyo
  • Even with Banri's inconsistent presence, Gojyo managed to settle down in a small town, supporting himself by gambling at cards, and filling in his loneliness with booze and women. On his way home from a bar, alone, he stumbled across what he thought at first was a corpse. In fact it was youkai with deep green eyes, whom was gravely injured, lying in the middle of the road. Gojyo helped him, taking him to his house, securing medical care for him, and letting him stay while he healed. - Sha Gojyo Gojyo never bothered to ask his guest about what happen or even for his name. One night the stranger approached Gojyo, saying he thought it was about time he moved one, but before he left, he wanted to tell Gojyo something he thought was important. The two sat down and the stranger told Gojyo about these crimes he had committed and how he found penitence in the color of his hair and eyes. the stranger had confessed earlier that he'd been in a relationship with his twin sister, but Gojyo had shrugged it off saying, "I guess some people... go for that." Now he was telling Gojyo how he'd killed many for the sake of revenge. Right as Gonou was leaving, about to tell Gojyo his name and finally introduce him, a Buddhist monk came knocking on his door.The Priest, Genjo Sanzo, was searching for a Cho Gonou. The criminal was to be brought before The Three Aspects to receive punishment. Gojyo stepped out of the house closing the door behind him--keeping Gonou securely in the house--and honestly said he'd never heard the name even though he knew the wanted man was his wayward house guest. There was a fight, ending with Gonou fleeing. Sanzo and Goku, Sanzo's charge that had tagged along, went in pursuit, followed by Gojyo, who was concerned with what exactly Gonou plans to do; he didn't want his hard work--saving his life--to be wasted. When they found Gonou, he'd already been found by another youkai that was trying to take revenge to his clan--one of the one that Gonou has annihilated in pursuit of his lover. Gojyo, Sanzo, and Goku saved Gonou who's only major wound was self-inflicted--the lose of his right eye. The four of them together finished Gonou trek to Hyakugan Maoh's Castle. But found only the charged ash of the fortress still remain. Apparently Gonou's lover's corpse had still been inside. Gojyo pesters the priest to chant for her, and he eventually relents, but says before he begins that he doesn't chant sutras for the dead.After Gonou was arrested, Sanzo obliquely told Gojyo that Gonou was dead and Gojyo obstinately cut his hair. Several days later, Gojyo was walking around town, when he saw a fruit stand with apples and was reminded of the way the stuff priest and his monkey had gone on about how blood wasn't the only thing that was red. Gojyo ask for one, at the same time, a familiar face addressed him. There was the face of his wayward house guest, still very much alive. He had taken on a new identity, Cho Hakkai, and after their humorous reunion, Hakkai asked if he could move in with Gojyo. Gojyo was happy to comply and they continued to live together.